Breaking News
Monday, September 7, 2009

Info Post
The Washington Times Editorial: The major TV networks don't even let revenue get in the way of their biased coverage in favor of President Obama's agenda. ABC and NBC in particular seem afraid of a simple 30-second advertisement. Both networks have refused to run an ad proposed for national telecast by the League of American Voters, a nonprofit group with 15,000 members. The supposedly offensive ad makes the simple claim that the proposed government-run health care program would ration medical care. . . . So what does the script of this horribly troublesome ad say? Here it is:
"How can Obama's plan cover 50 million new patients without any new doctors? It can't. It will hurt our seniors, end Medicare as we know it, ration coverage and care, limit life-saving medicines, impose long delays on cancer treatment and other vital surgery. It's happening in England and in Canada. Don't let it happen here. Tell Congress to protect American health care."
. . . ABC and NBC are losing credibility and viewers. One major cause of the networks' demise is their willingness to put objectivity aside to carry water for Mr. Obama and his big-government policies. [Read Complete Editorial]
Tags: ABC, ad, censorship, editorial, nationalized health care, NBC, The Washington Times To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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