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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Info Post
New low for Obama approval--9/1/09
Presidential Job Approval - 9/1/09 Rasmussen Reports

Late last month, John Allison indicated President Obama might help himself by backing off the health care debate. That was back when he was at the forefront, staging town hall meetings with planted questions from children of supporters. It was a little over a month after his ABC infomercial from the White House. It was around the time Democratic leaders in Congress were calling those of us who opposed the bill un-American and just before the White House asked supporters to turn in Obamacare opponents.

Obama's poll numbers showed a slight uptick when his administration floated a trial balloon for health care reform without a public option, but a threatened mutiny from his far left base quickly shot that down. He then went back to a full court press, insisting there would be a public option and introducing the idea of using the "nuclear option" (a procedural technique for getting around the need for 60 votes in the US Senate) for the first time. Basically he went from trying to sell his plan to telling Americans if they didn't buy it, he'd cram it down their throats.

No, the President didn't drop back and punt. In fact, he didn't drop back at all until last week when he took his family on a millionaire's retreat on posh Martha's Vineyard. With Obama in search of a "news free week," health care almost dropped from the headlines. But it may have been too late.

Today's, Rasmussen's Daily Presidential Tracking Poll showed Obama with his lowest overall approval rating among likely voters since taking office. With only 45% supporting the President and 53% disapproving of the job he's done thus far, one might infer the quiet period came too late. Americans have now recognized this man will lie without conscience to get what he wants.

A majority of likely voters have finally realized Obama's change wasn't what they had in mind last November.

Tags: America You Asked for It, Barack Obama, health care, John Allison, Obamacare, polling, Rasmussen Reports To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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