Rasmussen Reports: 60% of U.S. adults nationwide say that capitalism is better than socialism. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 18% disagree, while 21% are not sure.
Adults under 30 are closely divided on the question. While Republicans and unaffiliated voters overwhelmingly say that capitalism is better, just 43% of Democrats agree; 24% of Democrats say socialism is better [with 33% of Democrats "out to lunch"]. While 76% of investors favor capitalism verses only 45% of non-investors.
[However], 77% of Americans prefer a free market economy rather than a government managed economy. That’s consistent with the 75% who say that business is better at customer service than government.
In his new book, In Search of Self-Governance, Scott Rasmussen says, "In the political world today, advocates of big business and big government play the same game. … They pretend to fight so that one of them can rise to the defense of consumers or taxpayers. Big business leaders proclaim the virtues of the free market, and regulators talk about a mandate to protect consumers. Just as the guys reverse roles when it suits them, the elites take turns drifting back and forth between the business and government sides of the aisle. Voters have come to believe that capitalism means large, well-connected corporations keep the profits when times are good and get bailed out by taxpayers when times are bad. No wonder they prefer free markets over capitalism.”
Tags: Scott Rasmussen, Rasmussen Reports, free market economy, government managed economy, capitalism, socialism To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
77% Prefer Free Market Economy Over A Government Managed Economy
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