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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Info Post
Don't Tread on States Rights
Momentum is growing to re-assert the proper boundaries around the federal government vis a vis states rights as put forth in the U.S. Constitution, particularly the 10th Amendment. The recent federal takeover of health-care has ignited the movement of 10th Amendment proponents. Addressing this issue below are: Utah Congressman Rob Bishop; Arizona Clint Bolick, director, Goldwater Institute Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation; Wyoming Benjamin Barr, Counsel for Wyoming Liberty Group; Virginia John Taylor, president, Virginia Institute for Public Policy; and a concluding summary by Merrill Matthews, resident scholar, Institute for Policy Innovation.

Part Three - Wyoming: Face-to-Face With the 10th by Benjamin Barr: In 2009, the Wyoming Liberty Group focused its sovereignty efforts on outreach and education. A hidden pessimism clouds the vision of some, because Wyoming has been on the losing end of court battles against federal intervention. Far-reaching reform cannot be expected unless these attitudes change. This protracted pessimism is best uprooted through genuine outreach discussing first principles of sovereignty.

WLG's approach is perhaps not so novel. After all, when the British Crown continued its aggressive push against colonial freedom, residents met in pubs, town halls, and churches to awaken a call for liberty. Doubts, fears, and second-guessing had to be overcome so that the truths we held self-evident would be exactly that - self-evident. Just the same holds true today.

Following this understanding, the Wyoming Liberty Group met with residents and citizen legislators all across the state in face-to-face meetings. The focus of these meetings was to dispel common myths about federal supremacy and to address a great fear that holds many obliged to Washington. In one trip, we covered 932 miles in three days to clear the air and provide legislators and residents with a powerful foundation for exerting state sovereignty in a manner that made sense to them.

The Wyoming approach is intensely personal and humble. It listens to the concerns of residents, addresses them and offers a new and sustainable vision for sovereignty. Before the real wellsprings of state innovation and experimentation can be tapped, a belief in our framework of federalism must be recaptured.
Also See: Part One - Don't Tread on States' Rights - Federalism: A Key to Liberty
Part Two - Don't Tread on States' Rights - Arizona: The Epicenter of Federalism

Tags: 10 Amendment, SPN, State Policy Network, States Rights, Wyoming, liberty, Benjamin Barr
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