Breaking News
Sunday, April 11, 2010

Info Post
by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Obama is hosting a big D.C. conference of 47 countries next week on securing nuclear materials and how to keep them out of the hands of terrorists. Meanwhile, of course, his marshmallow soft policies are hastening the day when the terrorist sponsoring regime in Iran will have nuclear weapons!

As the D.C. meeting nears, rumors have started circulating that Muslim nations attending will use the gathering to go on the verbal attack – not against Hamas, Hezbollah or Al Qaeda – but against Israel. And given the hostility oozing out of Obama’s White House every day towards our Israeli ally, who knows whether the president would have defended Israel or piled on the anti-Israel attack. In addition, White House officials had made it clear that Obama would not meet privately with the Israeli prime minister.

Late yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, perhaps sensing a trap, announced that he wasn’t going to attend the Obama conference and would send the deputy prime minister instead. I think he made the right decision, and Israel’s strongest friends in Congress agree.

When Netanyahu does come back to Washington for another meeting with Obama, I hope he will put time in his schedule to go on the U.S. talk show circuit and speak directly to the American people, whose affection for Israel surpasses Obama’s disdain.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. He submitted this article in an email to the ARRA News Service Editor. Bauer was a former Republican presidential candidate and served as President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser.

Tags: Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families, Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama administration, nuclear conference
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