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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Info Post
Don't Tread on States Rights
Momentum is growing to re-assert the proper boundaries around the federal government vis a vis states rights as put forth in the U.S. Constitution, particularly the 10th Amendment. The recent federal takeover of health-care has ignited the movement of 10th Amendment proponents. Addressing this issue below are: Utah Congressman Rob Bishop; Arizona Clint Bolick, director, Goldwater Institute Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation; Wyoming Benjamin Barr, Counsel for Wyoming Liberty Group; Virginia John Taylor, president, Virginia Institute for Public Policy; and a concluding summary by Merrill Matthews, resident scholar, Texas Institute for Policy Innovation.

Part Five - Texas Restore the 10th Coalition by By Merrill Matthews: A federal initiative to require every American to buy health insurance or pay a fine, along with a concerted effort to expand the federal government into every area of business and our lives, has revived interest in the 10th Amendment. In response, the Institute for Policy Innovation and the State Policy Network are creating a coalition intended to educate elected officials, media and the public about the constitutional limits to, and threats of, federal power.

Over the next several months, IPI and SPN will host briefings and conference calls and collect and publish some of the best research and position papers on issues relating to the 10th Amendment. We are building a website,, to highlight everyone's efforts and information. A number of state think tanks - in Arizona, Wyoming, Virginia and Texas, to name a few - are already involved with papers, briefings and conferences.

We want to reach out to state legislators, governors and attorney generals to enlist their support. State think tanks are key to this outreach, because of their connections with state elected officials and access to local media. If you want to be part of the effort, please contact me or IPI's Erin Humiston. The coalition would like to convene a steering committee of state think tanks that want to share ideas and outline a plan for success.

By working together, the Institute for Policy Innovation and SPN hope that each state can become a force for federalism, making it just as potent a campaign issue as lower taxes and fiscal responsibility.
Also See: Part One - Don't Tread on States' Rights - Federalism: A Key to Liberty
Part Two - Don't Tread on States' Rights - Arizona: The Epicenter of Federalism
Part Three - Don't Tread on States' Rights - Wyoming: Face-to-Face With the 10th
Part Four - Don't Tread on States' Rights - Virginia: A Multi-pronged, Grassroots Success

Tags: 10 Amendment, 10th Coalition, SPN, State Policy Network, States Rights, liberty, Texas, Merrill Matthews
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