Liberals who in years past have been active in grassroots efforts, maybe not so large but definitely more violent, hate the TEA Party movement. They skipped right over envy and have gone directly to hate. Others are fueled by the liberal media who verbally attack and accuse anything conservative as being hateful and racist even when the conservatives are black or some ethnicity other than "blanco." And progressive socialists and their minions hate the fact that over half of the Tea Party members are Democrats and Independents many of whom are tired of the DNC and the marxist-sociopaths that have "forgotten" the United States Constitution.
Over the last week, conservative activists online have thoroughly exposed the loser behind an Internet call to "Crash the Tea Party." His name is Jason Levin. To follow his trail, check Free Republic here, Canada Free Press here, and Velvet Hammer here. After failing to cover his tracks, Levin is now basking in the glow of attention on his tpartycrasher Twitter page and on his personal Twitter page (where he brags that he has hit the big time and “gone viral:”). . .Fast forward a few days and we learn that a lot of bloggers and conservative geeks (yes we have our own geeks - freedom loving conservatives who come in all shapes, sizes, party affiliations, religions, non-religions, ethnicity, sex, sexual persuasions, etc.) have been digging around the internet. One thing that has united us even in our differences, is we love freedom and we do not like people taking our money and redistributing it to others. We like spending our money as we so determine and we love our freedom, our own choosing, and independence. Viva La Difference and Viva La Liberté! While digging, it was discovered that Jason Levin - Tea Party Crasher Is Under Investigation By Employer. Adam Bitely explains:
Before them, it was Craig Varoga — a shady Democrat political operative and overseer of a convoluted, money-shuffling web of 527s. He launched "” in January to target Republicans who supported the Tea Party movement and to prevent the "radical" and “dangerous” fiscal accountability agenda from “gaining legislative traction."
Jason Levin is dressed in the wrong Star Wars outfit unless his intent even in this garb signals his intent to infiltrate the good side. He should have dressed as a brainless storm trooper. My mother would say today based on the above article that Jason's sins (devious behavior - Is he using public school time and money?) have found him out.The founder of the, Jason Levin, is under investigation by his employer. Interestingly, this character has been exaggerating his job, among other things. He actually works in the media lab at Conestoga Middle School in Portland, Oregon.
Levin claimed in an interview with Talking Points Memo that he was a technology consultant. Apparently he is a public toad now facing an investigation for abusing the taxpayer dollar to organize his anti-Tea Party efforts.
Levin, who sought to demonize Tea Partiers by placing faux tea party activists at rallies across the nation that would portray the tea partiers as bigots and homophobes, has seemed to land himself in a great deal of trouble. Not only does the Tea Party movement gain more credibility because of this bozo, Levin may now find himself out of work.
Also, please enjoy the image of Jason Levin in his Star Wars outfit. Hat Tip to
So, tomorrow attend your TEA Party and shout and cheer. Be aware of potential infiltrators but don't fear. If you read this about Jason Levin before going, take time to remark that TEA Party Crashers like Jason Levin are full of Pelosi!
Tags: TEA Party, crashers, APRIL 15, Tax Day, Jason Levin, Oregon, Michelle Malkin, Adam Bitely
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