Breaking News
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: We do not know how long this following video and article will be running on the front page of the online "Outer Banks Newspaper." Therefore, we have reposted it in full below. We Hat Tip the Outer Banks Newspaper editors for posting the article on their site which promotes information for visitors to the North Carolina Outer Banks. Warning: the video's audio is from a movie clip and uses "G-d**" toward the end of the video to express frustration of the situation which parallels our present day predicament. We understand a majority of people are very frustrated and many are unwilling to "take it anymore." However, we support first turning to God in our anger to seek His wisdom and then getting involved in various groups to let your voice be heard and support Conservatives candidates in 2010 that will help to stop or to delay the draconian takeover of our lives and freedoms by the liberal progressive socialists in Congress and the Obama Administration.
Outer Banks Newspaper (NC):

The political landscape of America may change in a way our parents and grandparents never dreamed possible; but the founding fathers warned of, if the hard won independence was taken for granted instead of protected.

My grandfather fought the Germans and then the Russians during WWI. He was also one of the many who fought again in WWII. Our freedom and liberty has never been free. 80 million people died in WWII to secure freedom and liberty. There have always been evil and power hungry people in the world no matter how much a state of kumbaya is desired.

Change We Need" was the rally cry used during the 2008 presidential campaign and change we may be getting. By the power of the vote, we place a tremendous amount of trust in those who serve public office. The vote tally for the 2008 race was Mr. Obama 69,456,897, Mr. McCain 59,934,814 and the swearing in of a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.

Here listed are a few of the actions the "Our Trusted is gifting the American people.
  • Government controlled health care - Is the law of the land that is being contested by many states' attorney generals on behalf of the people's (state's) rights. Sound familiar?
H. R. 3590 is the recently passed health care bill. If the U. S. Supreme Court rule that H. R. 3590 is unconstitutional; there are two little-known twin bills called "MedPac Reform of 2009" waiting for vote on the sideline.

MedPac S.B. 1110 and H.R. 2718accomplish the same thing as H. R. 3590 by transferring rule setting processes to the executive branch bypassing the will of the people. Think EPA in terms of the people having no control over the beast created. more info
  • H.J.RES.5 No limits on how many terms a president may serve - After Mr. Obama won the presidential election - On 1/6/2009 Rep Jose Serrano introduced H.J.RES.5 proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the number of terms an individual may serve as President. more info
  • Illegal Alien Amnesty - Comprehensive immigration legislation to make legal status possible for up to 40 million illegal immigrants, was promised to be a priority in President Obama's first year in office and may in the coming months become a reality. Polls have shown for the past year that health care reform is not popular, the stimulus and TARP bailouts are not popular and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are not popular with the American voter to date. All of which have had no impact on the tens of millions of potential amnesty voters. The Latino vote turned out strongly for Mr. Obama in the election. Considering statics show more than one thousand illegal aliens cross our southern border into the United States daily and the vote tally for the 2008 race, a no limits presidency may be more of a promise than a proposed amendment.
  • Security - Barack Obama surrenders to Russia on Missile Defense. 'For all who care about the US commitment to the transatlantic alliance and the defense of Europe as well as the United States. It represents the appalling appeasement of Russian aggression and a willingness to sacrifice American allies on the altar of political expediency. Nile Gardiner is a Washington-based foreign affairs analyst and political commentator. more info
  • Obama Adds Troops Details Exit Date - Sends 30,000 additional troops to Afghanistan while vowing to start bringing American forces home in the middle of 2011. more info
  • Obama: No Nukes, Even in Self-Defense - Did we forget about Iran and how they maimed Americans and mutilated their bodies and drug the dead American bodies through their streets. And! Three seals are facing court martial for allegedly slapping one of the terrorist. Where is President Obama's amnesty pen in this case? more info and more info
  • The U.S. Constitution - Obama Judicial Nominee has over 117 omissions from record to include that Goodwin Liu is a supporter of revising the Constitution and slavery retribution.more info and more info
  • Obama Hollywood Tax - Taxing the rich - Hollywood celebrities and the rich and famous were on the front lines of the '08 campaign. With amnesty to rock the vote, are they on the bus or have they been thrown under the bus too?
    • Income tax rates go to 39.6 percent
    • Capital gains tax will rise to 20 percent and rise to 23.8 percent in 2013
    • The health-care bill also increases the employee’s share of the Medicare payroll tax levied on wages to 2.35 percent in 2013.
    • Increases related to the health-care legislation will apply to individuals who earn more than $200,000 annually and couples who file jointly and make more than $250,000. more info
  • VAT - With budget deficits soaring and President Obama pushing a trillion-dollar-plus expansion of health coverage, some Washington policymakers are taking a fresh look at a money-making idea long considered politically taboo: a national sales tax. more info
  • U. S. National Debt Clock - When the debt reached $10 trillion on Sept. 30, 2008, it ran out of digits.
  • Before health care; every man woman and child in America now owes $41,373.00 and $350,032.00 in un-funded debt each. more info
Many of us have traveled across the Atlantic to see the sites, eat the food, buy the souvenirs and take photographs of the parts of old buildings that do not have graffiti on them. Whether there for the summer, as a rite of passage, or a long awaited trip of a lifetime; the one thought that probably never crosses ones mind is why we can so freely go to the airport and catch that flight back home to the good old USA. It isn't kumbaya that guarantees our freedom to come home. It is the power and might of the U.S. Military. It is the tested sacrifice of American men and women in uniform who place their lives in harms way to guarantee your freedom.

Change we [are] may be getting in America. Ready or not.

Tags: video, Outer Banks, North Carolina, change, Obama Administration,
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