Prayer by Rev. Jerry Backus :
Our Heavenly Father,
The Only True God,
Creator of heaven and earth,
We enter into your presence this hour to invoke your blessing.
We acknowledge that we live in a day when men of renown across our land would attempt to subvert your existence and rightful jurisdiction over our nation by forgetting what our Founding Fathers knew as a matter of course.
I thank you that our historical records record for us the remarks of John Quincy Adams speaking for the collective voice of the founders of our nation when he said:
“The highest glory of the American Revolution was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity. From this day of the Declaration…the American people were bound by the laws of God, which they all, and by the laws of the gospel, which they nearly all, acknowledge as the rules of their conduct.”
We bow then to invoke your blessing on our gathering, and we dare not do that without acknowledging both your existence and the fact that we are indeed a Nation under you, and that we can expect no benevolence without that acknowledgment.
Thank you for the process and privilege that you have given us to choose out our leaders. Teach us to blush when we throw out principle for power, gratitude for greed, morality for money.
May we as a party in our choices not become wearied by controversy, confused by chaos, nor fall into the traps of political expediency, passivity for popularity, compromise for acceptability, nor diluted principles for retaining positions.
Burn within our hearts that which your holy writ declares: “Blessed is the Nation whose God is the Lord” reminding us that that nation indeed will give answer to you.
Oh Lord, the choice before us is plain, Christ or chaos, conviction or compromise, discipline or disintegration. Tire us of hearing about our rights and privileges as American citizens. The time is come; it is now, when we ought to hear about the duties and responsibilities of our citizenship. May this party fully embrace your principles, your morals, your integrity, and your ways; for that is our only redemption.
So we humbly ask your blessing on us this evening in recognition of the bountiful supply which you have graciously bestowed upon us. We ask this in the Name which you have elevated above every name, the Name of your Son and our Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ.
The above prayer given by Rev. Jerry Backus at a recent conservative dinner attended by 340 people. Backus shared with the ARRA News Service that this prayer is a composite of many humble hearts past and present who were concerned about the fate of our nation. Backus has been pastor of the same church for 30 years which is very rare these days.
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The highest glory of the American Revolution was this . . .
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