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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Info Post
Report on survey completed April 25, 2010 by Rasmussen Reports: Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln has fallen to her lowest levels of support yet in her bid for reelection, while her five top Republican challengers now pull over 50% support from Likely Voters in the state. Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter, who is challenging Lincoln in the Democratic Primary, runs only slightly stronger than she does.

Forty-eight percent (48%) of voters in the state now have a very unfavorable opinion of the Democratic senator, while 18% view her very favorably.

Of the GOP contenders, Congressman John Boozman earns the most voter support with 57% to Lincoln’s 29%. Former State Senator Jim Holt gap with Boozman is closing and Holt was second with 54% to Lincoln's 31%. Third was State Senator Gilbert Baker with 53% to Lincoln's 31%. Businessman Curtis Coleman was 52% to Lincoln's 32% and State Senator Jim Hendren was 51% to Lincoln's 30% with 8% undecided on this match-up.

Against Lt Gov Bill Halter (D), Boozman is he strongest with 56% to Halter's 31%; Holt was second with 49% to Halter's 31%; Baker was 48% to Halter's 33%; Coleman was 43% to halters 37% and Hendren was 45% (11 points back from Boozaman) to Halter's 33%.

Every Republican picks up more than 50% support among voters not affiliated with either major party in match-ups with both Lincoln and Halter. The one exception is Coleman who earns 47% of unaffiliateds against Halter.

Halter is viewed very favorably by 13% of Arkansas voters and very unfavorably by 23%.

Boozman earns very favorable marks from 26% of Arkansas voters, up six points from last month, while 9% view him very unfavorably. Jim Holt 13% very favorable opinion of Holt, while 11% view him very unfavorably. Other's had lower numbers with Hendren being the lowest with very favorables are 3%, very unfavorables 6%.

Only 35% of Arkansas voters approve of the president’s performance, while 64% disapprove. These numbers have changed little from a month ago and give Obama a much lower job approval rating than he earns nationwide in daily Presidential tracking poll.

Sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Arkansas’ voters favor legislation that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant, which is slightly higher than results found on the national level.
Note: Three other Republican candidates were again not covered by the Rasmussen Reports Poll

Tags: Rasmussen Reports, Poll, Arkansas, US Senate, Republican, Democrats To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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