Today in Washington, D.C. - August 1, 2012:
The House convened today. Yesterday, the voted on the following bills, HR 3803 failed to pass (220 - 154) two-thirds required — DC Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Democrats Prevent House Passage of Late-Term Abortion Ban House Democrats objected to a bill that would stop the policy of unlimited abortions for any reason throughout the entirety of pregnancy in the nation’s capital. The bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy in D.C. needed a two-thirds vote but enough Democrats voted against the measure to prevent it from going to the Senate. The bill received a supportive vote of 220 to 154 with Republicans voting 203 to 6 for the bill and Democrats voting 148 to 17 against it. Read More
The House passed HR 828 (263 - 114)— Federal Employee Tax Accountability and S 679 (261 - 116) — Removing Senate confirmation process for certain federal appointments.
The House Passed by voice vote HR 1627 — Honoring American veterans (Agreed to Senate Amendment to previously passed bill) and HR 3641 — Pinnacles National Park Act.
All other bills pending before the house were not considered or failed to have a quorum present to vote on the bills.
The Senate reconvened and resumed consideration of S. 3414, the cybersecurity bill. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) continued to act like a dictator of the Senate and filled the amendment tree (thus blocking any amendments by the either fellow democrats or the republican Senators) and filed cloture on the bill to cut off debate. If no agreement is reached on considering the cybersecurity bill, a cloture vote would be scheduled tomorrow.
Also possible this week is a vote on the nomination of Carol Galante to be an Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Politico reports, “The Obama administration’s requirement that nearly all insurance plans provide contraceptives without a co-pay begins Wednesday, giving Democrats a new talking point about the benefits of the [health care] law and Republicans a new hook to repeal the whole thing. On Capitol Hill Tuesday, Democrats talked up the law’s benefits for women’s health with a bigger sales blitz than they’ve used for the health care law in a long time — including floor speeches by top Senate Democrats and a news conference with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. . . . Senate Republicans, who once railed that the contraceptives requirement violated the religious freedoms of Catholics who oppose them, instead used the new rule to try once again to repeal the entire law.
“On Tuesday, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell offered an amendment to repeal the law to a cybersecurity bill under debate in the Senate this week. ‘Given the fact that our friends on the other side are going to focus on that bill this particular week, it might be a good idea to have a vote on it,’ McConnell said. It didn’t get very far, though. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the effort ‘ridiculous,’ indicating Republicans aren’t likely to get a vote on it.”
In other words, Democrats want to boast about the new Obamacare mandates, including those that violate religious liberties by forcing religious institutions to purchase health plans that include contraceptive coverage, but they aren’t willing to vote to defend these mandates. If Democrats are so proud of Obamacare and the new government mandates that begin this week, why won’t they vote again to uphold them?
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Dems Boasting Of Obamacare Mandates
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