By Janet L. Folger: Abraham Lincoln once asked, "If we call the tail a leg, then how many legs does a dog have?" The reply: Five. "No," Lincoln said, "Just because you call a tail a leg doesn't make it so." Here's another question: If you call a liberal Democrat a Republican, how many Republican "front-runners" do we have? No, just because you call a Democrat a Republican doesn't make it so. And the "Eleventh Commandment"-- "Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican" -- doesn't apply to Democrats with a plastic "R" behind their name.
I've had enough of "conservatives" who try to appear "reasonable" by embracing high name-ID candidates who wouldn't know a conservative Republican value if it bit them in the primary. . . . And for the disgruntled "third party" enthusiasts, here's a newsflash: The Republican Party Platform agrees with those of us who stand for life, liberty and the family. You don't "jump ship" when it's our ship – we just need the right captain to steer it back on course. But the captain we need isn't Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani told the 1998 RNC summer meeting the way to get elected is to sacrifice "one principle here or one principle there." Sacrifice principles like "the right to life" here, "the right to bear arms there" and give special rights to homosexuals while you're at it. Even more liberal than the Democratic-controlled New York City Council, Giuliani pushed – for cash and prizes – for homosexual sex. He then codified the domestic partnership benefits package by granting all city employees tax-funded benefits just for engaging in dangerous homosexual behavior. Mitt Romney wants to subsidize sodomy by rewarding "homosexual (domestic) partners" with taxpayer-funded benefits, as well. . . .
No, Lincoln was right; renaming a tail won't give us a leg to stand on. The reality is we need a REAL Republican. And you just don't get one by pinning a "Republican tail" on a donkey. . . . [Read More] Janet L. Folger is president of Faith2Action; aAuthor of "The Criminalization of Christianity," and hosts a daily radio program and commentary heard in 100 markets.
Background review - Did Rudy dress in drag? See : Rudy Giuliani (may get edited as presidential campaigns proceed) identifies that Giuliani appeared in public dressed in women's clothing at least three times:
- March 1, 1997, at the New York Inner Circle press dinner, an annual event in which NY politicians and the press corps stage skits, roast each other and make fun of themselves, with proceeds going to charity. In his appearance, he first imitated Marilyn Monroe. Then, he appeared in a spoofing stage skit "Rudy/Rudia" together with Julie Andrews, starring at the time on Broadway in Victor/Victoria (about a woman pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman). Under his drag name "Rudia" and wearing a spangled pink gown, Giuliani said he was "a Republican pretending to be a Democrat pretending to be a Republican."
- Nov 22, 1997, during his Saturday Night Live hosting role, he played an Italian American grandmother in a bright floral dress during a long sketch that satirized Italian American family rites at Thanksgiving time.
- March 11, 2000, at another Inner Circle dinner. He was on stage in male disco garb spoofing John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever, but also appeared in drag in taped video clips which reworked the "Rudy/Rudia" theme again. These included a bit in which he flirts with (normally dressed) real estate mogul Donald Trump, then slaps Trump for trying to get too "familiar" with him, and then afterward in an exchange with Joan Rivers that sought to make fun of his then-Senate race rival and fellow dinner attendee Hillary Rodham Clinton.
- In October 2001, Giuliani agreed to appear in drag on the gay-themed television series Queer as Folk to raise aid money for gay and lesbians affected by the Sept. 11 attacks, saying "If it means more money for relief funds, sure." However, the appearance never took place.
ARRA Question: Will he appear in Drag on the campaign trail or at he Republican National Convention or if elected, while occupying the White House?
Tags: emperor, women's clothes, GOP, Janet Folger, presidential candidate, Republican, Rudy Giuliani To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
The emperor has women's clothes
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