FRC: Despite the best efforts of pro-family groups, the New Hampshire state senate is moving forward quickly with its political agenda to legalize civil unions. According to a web survey by the Manchester Union Leader, a majority of residents (53.5%) expressed their opposition to the bill. In the face of growing statewide resistance, Gov. John Lynch (D) yesterday announced his intent to sign the legislation should it pass the senate in next week's vote. "I believe it is a matter of... preventing discrimination," Lynch told reporters. Asked why he opposes same-sex "marriage" but supports civil unions, he said, "I still think marriage is between a man and a woman." In an effort to appease both sides, the governor is deliberately misleading voters.
The reality is, civil unions are same-sex "marriage." The only difference between the two is the name. While the term "civil union" may seem more palatable, make no mistake--this legislation confers all of the rights and legal standing to homosexual couples that marriage does. If the senate succeeds, the Granite State would become the fourth to approve civil unions--but the first to do so without waging an initial challenge over same-sex "marriage" in the courts. A defeat in New Hampshire would be a significant setback for the sanctity of marriage in New England, which already counts Massachusetts, Vermont, New Jersey, and Connecticut among its disappointments. See also: Gov. Lynch will sign civil unions bill & Bay State to Impose Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ on Nation
Tags: civil unions, FRC, homosexual activism, New Hampshire
New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch (D) Supports Civil Unions
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