by Rod Martin: Democrats have voted to cut funding for the war; strip the President of war-making authority; cut off reinforcements for our troops; and set a deadline for U.S. retreat from Iraq next year. This bill is H.R. 1591. We call it the Pelosi-Murtha Preemptive Surrender Bill. What it means is simple: terrorists win, we lose. The House passed it on March 23, the Senate on March 29. The bills are not identical so they will have to come back for another vote. The margins are narrow enough that we may have a chance to defeat it next time. President Bush has vowed to veto this surrender bill, but the Democrats will try to override his veto. It is up to us now. The American people must rise. We must make our voices heard.
The Pelosi-Murtha bill will kill American troops and crush morale. It will tell the terrorists we have lost all will to win. It will tell our allies they can't trust us, driving them into our enemy's arms. It will tell our enemies if they just hold out one more year and kill more Americans, we will cower in fear, and we will give Iraq to them. But we can still stop them. Everyone needs to sign the Al Qaeda “Thank You” card. We're going to take giant versions of this card to Capitol Hill and present them to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, other Democrat leaders and freshman Democrats who voted for surrender. We mean to shame them into better behavior. Add your signature to this Al Qaeda “Thank You” card. A giant version of this card bearing your signature -- along with thousands of others -- will be presented to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, other Democrat leaders and freshman Democrats who voted for surrender.Click here to sign
See also: Reid Declares Defeat in Iraq
Tags: Democrats, John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, Rod Martin To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Pelosi-Murtha Preemptive Surrender Bill
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