Breaking News
Monday, April 2, 2007

Info Post
Former Wisconsin Governor Tommy Thompson announced today that he would seek the Republican presidential nomination. He announced on FOXNews on the Hannity and Colmes show. He will formally launch his bid for the Republican presidential nomination Wednesday in Milwaukee, Iowa and New Hampshire, entering a race that he argues is "absolutely wide open" to the kind of low-budget, highly personal and localized campaign he is waging.
In interviews, Thompson said he would build his campaign around such issues as health care, education and "medical diplomacy," his term for using America's health expertise and resources to win friends and nurture relationships with the rest of the world. "I think you're going to find some Republicans who would want to continue (in that direction) but the vast majority is looking for a new direction for the Republican Party. They're very concerned about the deficit, very concerned about a lack of engagement on health care and very tired of the war." See also: Tommy Thompson for President

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