Breaking News
Monday, April 16, 2007

Info Post
by Mark Fitzgibbons: In January, the "Bennett Amendment" . . . removed the provisions from the Senate lobbying reform bill that would have regulated advocacy communication to and among the general public: the grassroots. Forty-three senators, all Democrats, . . . voted to keep the unconstitutional grassroots provisions in that bill. Fortunately, they failed.
Six Washington-based lobbying organizations with strong insider ties to the Democratic Party are still pushing hard to regulate grassroots, citizen-supported activism under the guise of lobbying reform. They know they need a watered-down version in the House compared to the Senate provision that was roundly criticized as an unconstitutional assault on citizen political activism.
Around late February, these stealthily-financed lobbying organizations were provided a copy of revised grassroots language expected to be introduced in the House as part of that chamber’s lobbying reform legislation. The Democratic leadership recently announced that it will move on the lobbying reform bill soon after Congress returns from Easter recess. An informal coalition of conservative and liberal grassroots organizations that are trying to protect the First Amendment (including the American Civil Liberties Union) have been shut out. . . .
By leaking the revised language to friendly lobbyists and lawyers who work for the Democratic National Committee (while withholding the language from those who would be regulated) House Democrats appear to be concealing their plan to prevent a debate. .Democracy 21 and Campaign Legal Center . . . have already begun misleading Congress and the public about the revised legislation. . . . Maybe Nancy Pelosi meant just Republican shenanigans were to be verboten. And maybe some Democrats believe that violating the First Amendment is the key to holding their newfound power. . . . [Read More] Contact your senators! Contact your representatives! Fitzgibbons is President of Corporate and Legal Affairs at American Target Advertising, Inc. in Manassas, VA. and a First Amendment lawyer specializing in grassroots law.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, Democrats, First Amendment, free speech, grassroots, House, lobby reform, lobbying, religous freedom, US Congress To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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