TVC: Under the cover of fighting so-called ‘hate crimes,’ H.R. 1592 will be used to fund anti-Christian, pro-homosexual/drag queen materials for children – and divert scarce federal resources away from fighting Islamic terrorism. H.R. 1592, the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 is moving quickly in the House of Representatives. A hearing on H.R. 1592 is scheduled in the House Judiciary Committee for April 17th; with a mark-up in subcommittee expected the next day! A week later, the legislation is expected to be voted out of the full committee and move to the House floor for a quick vote.
If passed and signed into law, it will be used to establish a legal framework to investigate, persecute and prosecute pastors, businessmen and others whose actions are based upon and reflect the truths found in the Bible. So-called “hate speech” could become the target of zealous pro-homosexual federal prosecutors – which could include a pastor’s sermon against homosexual behaviors! This so-called “hate crimes” bill will make homosexuality and cross-dressing into federally-protected minority groups! These sexual behaviors will be considered equal to race under federal laws! Once this happens, these behaviors will be protected by civil rights laws, too.
Immediate Action is needed: Contact your U.S. Representative and tell them to vote NO on the so-called hate crimes bill H.R. 1592 when it comes up for a vote. [Read More]
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Urgent Action Needed On So-called Hate Crimes bill
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