HB1027 "The Castle Doctrine" - right to protect one's home and property and self-defense legislation,
died in the House Judiciary Committee.
HB1365 A&P Tax Reform bill - a Citizen's Protection Bill "Requiring Voter Approval of Certain Tax Levies
never made it out of the House Revenue & Taxation Committee
HB1536 -
now Act 387 requires that
sexually-oriented businesses not be located within 1000 feet of a child care facility, park, church, playground, public library, recreational area, residence, school, or other locations frequented by children.
HB1703 "
Subversive plan to ditch the electoral college" and overturn the process that has worked well for over 200 years had passed by the House on a second vote but
died Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs
HB1761 Arkansas Freedom to Farm Act and an effort by concerned ranchers, farmers, and individuals working against the National Animal Identification System
died in the House Committee on Agriculture, Forestry, and Economic Development.
HB2120 Voter ID Act was deferred and
died in the House Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs.
HB2489 would have mandated that AR state institutions of higher education
grant at least twenty-four (24) semester
credit hours or equivalent course credit in subject areas to an entering freshman student
for completion of the UN's International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBP). It
died in the House Education Committee.
HB 2768 would add to the
“informed consent” requirements that physicians or their offices must disclose to women seeking abortions. Existing requirements include providing information about the health risks associated with the procedure.
The addition would advise the woman that she can’t be forced to get an abortion. Pass both House & Senate & sent to the Governor.
HB2779 Arkansas Taxpayer & Citizen Protection Act (Illegal Alien Bill) that would have dealt with purposely sheltering or harboring an illegal alien in Arkansas
died in Senate Judicial Committee. The bill had passed the House.
SB69 Limiting Scope of Eminent Domain Powers in Arkansas to Protect Property Owners' Rights in Arkansas had passed the Senate but
died in the House Judicial Committee.
SB182 - now
Act 579 requires that merchants have “blinder racks” that cover the lower two-thirds of the covers of pornographic magazines they display in their establishments.
SB264 Hate Crime Bill died in Senate Judicial Committee - would have had serious ramifications on limiting free speech where serious differences exist between what one group calls "sin" and another much smaller group now calls "morally acceptable." Bill had passed the House.
SB959 Adoption Foster Care Bill which would have prevented state foster parenting or adoption by couples who are not married, or who are single with a live-in boyfriend or girlfriend, or singles who are homosexual
failed in the House Judiciary Committee. The bill had passed the Senate.
SB981 Tuition for Illegal Aliens in Arkansas
died in Interim Committee on Education.
Joint Resolutions:
SJR7 Amending the Arkansas Constitution to Create a
Constitutional Right to Hunt and Fish never made it out of the Senate Committee on State Agencies and Governmental Affairs.
HJR1002 Proposing for Arkansas to
Ratify the ERA Amendment died in the House State Agencies & Govt'l Affairs Committee.
HJR1005 to refer to voters an
amendment to establish a State Lottery died in the House State Agencies & Govt'l Affairs Committee.
Tags: Arkansas,legislature, 2006-2007, legislation, tracked bills, 2007,
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