by Bobby Eberle: Although legislators may try to sneak an immigration reform bill through Congress, grassroots conservatives will be watching. Among a host of issues presented to members of GOPUSA’s Grassroots Survey Team, border security still topped the chart. This means conservatives will be looking for real reform — not pandering.
In a survey conducted this week (view full survey results) by GOPUSA’s Grassroots Survey Team, over 2,500 respondents were asked to indicate which issue they felt was the most important facing America today. Of the nineteen issues listed, Border Security / Immigration was the top choice with 38%. In second was War on Terror at 32%. Moral Decline was the third choice at 9%.
Conservatives continue to look for direction from the Republican Party — a message around which they can rally and inspire others. When asked “What should be the primary focus of the Republican Party?”, the top choice among respondents was “Crafting a clear, unifying message to combat the Democrats and the media” with 44%. In second was “Holding elected Republican officials accountable to the platform and their campaign promises” with 26%. 95% of respondents do not feel that Republicans “have been strong enough in standing up to the Democrats.” 94% do not feel that Republicans have been strong enough in “pushing for conservative legislation and policies.”
Over 2,500 respondents participating, choose unannounced candidates Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich dominated the group, with 36% and 18% respectively over all announced candidates. For announced candidates, respondents selected Sam Brownback (4%), James Gilmore (0%), Rudy Giuliani (9%), Mike Huckabee (2%), Duncan Hunter (3%), John McCain (3%), Ron Paul (3%), Mitt Romney (11%), Tom Tancredo (10%), Tommy Thompson (1%).
ARRA Comment: In reviewing the survey results, when the respondents were asked to select a second but different candidate than their first choice, again Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich dominated the group 19% and 21% respectively. This means that 55% of the surveyed conservative voters picked Fred Thompson 55% of the time as their first or second choice.
Tags: Bobby Eberle, border security, Fred Thompson, GOPUSA, immigration reform, moral decline, presidential candidate, Republican, Survey To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Border Security, War on Terror Are Top Issues for ConservativesUnannounced Candidate Fred Thompson Was Preferred Candidate
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