ARRA Comment: What part of the Constitution can we rely on or now even violate? Who gets to decide? It is disappointing that three of our Arkansas' Congressional delegation voted to violate the U.S. Constitution to grant Washington D.C. a voting representative. This action is clearly a violation as evidenced by both the constitution and by previous actions taken by the Congress. They understood the constitutional limitation and offered an amendment to the constitution for a voting representative which defeated by the States. Again, D.C. is not a State. It was to have no representation. Congress could return parts of D.C. to the contributing states who provided the land for the District of Columbia. Jurisdiction over land given by Virginia has already been returned to them. Land that is primarily residential and commercial and is property given by Maryland could be and probably should be returned to Maryland. The three Arkansans who voted to violate the constitution were Marion Berry, Vic Snyder and Mike Ross! Voting with the majority this time does not vindicate or assuage their actions.
Tags: Arkansas, constitution, D.C., Marion Berry, Mike Ross, Vic Snyder, voting, voting rights
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