by Gary Langer at ABC News: ABC News/Washington Post poll finds McCain matches Clinton's voter rejection, Giuliani loses ground but stays ahead. Voter rejection of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., the candidate who's most staunchly backed the Iraq War, has spiked in the last year, to the point where nearly half of Americans -- including a quarter of Republicans -- say they definitely would not support him for president . . .
Giuliani is supported by 33% of leaned Republicans in this survey, down from 44% in February and back to where he was in January. Part (but not all) of that is because of the inclusion of possible candidate Fred Thompson, a former senator and current television actor; removing Thompson from the equation, Giuliani has 37% support. With Thompson included, McCain gets 21% support, the same as in February; Romney, 9%; Thompson, 9%; and Newt Gingrich (who, like Thompson, has not announced his candidacy) 6%, down from 15%. Others are in the lower single digits.
For the Democrats, support levels are very similar in this poll to what they were in February. Thirty-seven percent support among leaned Democrats for Clinton, 20% for Obama, 17% for Al Gore (not an announced candidate) and 14% for Edwards, with others in single digits. With Gore excluded, it's 41% for Clinton, 25% for Obama and 17% for Edwards, again very similar to the last ABC/Post poll. . . . This ABC News/Washington Post poll was conducted by telephone April 12-15, 2007, among a random national sample of 1,141 adults, including an oversample of African-Americans. The results from the full survey have a three-point error margin. [Read More] ARRA Comment: As reported by the liberal ABC News.
Tags: ABC News, John Mccain, online polls, presidential candidate, Rudy Giuliani, Survey, Washington Post To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
McCain Rejection Rate Spikes; Clinton, Giuliani Still Lead
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