Breaking News
Saturday, August 11, 2007

Info Post
In the wake of the Minneapolis tragedy, a new CNN poll shows that a majority of Americans are worried that another bridge will collapse. But, much to the liberals' dismay, that doesn't mean they're willing to accept a tax increase to help inspect and repair them! Of those surveyed, 65 percent oppose the Democrats' plan to force new taxes on the country to address the infrastructure problem. Playing on the country's fear, House Democrats seized on last week's disaster as an excuse to raise the gas tax by five cents. According to the leadership, that new money would be directed to a "trust fund" for fixing highway bridges. Conservatives, including President Bush, are loudly criticizing the idea. He promises to veto any tax hikes that reach his desk. "My suggestion would be that [Congress] revisit the process by which they spend gasoline money in the first place," the President said yesterday. He's right. Congress keeps wasting taxpayer money on pet projects, then, when their out-of-control spending leaves nothing to meet Americans' real needs, they demand more! It's time to stop building "bridges to nowhere" and start rebuilding taxpayers' trust. [Source: FRCAction] See also: Bush resists raising gas tax for bridges & Poll: Americans worried but reject higher taxes to fix bridges

Tags: fuel tax, gas tax, gasoline, highways, increased taxes, taxes To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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