by PL Booth, The Blue Eye View: I recently wrote that the America I grew up within no longer exists. I also bemoaned lack of leadership within Congress, the GOP, and by our current President. Quite a number of respondents agreed but none had viable ideas of how to restore neither our sovereignty nor decency. Several respondents asked if I had authored a plan or knew how to correct the path of our demise. I didn't and don't.
Those questions caused me to study these problems in even greater depth, . . . To recap, any winning candidate, GOP or not, must formulate and proclaim ideologies and programs for beating our enemies within (socialists) and without (Islam), stop infiltration of our borders, punish and remove illegals and undesirables, educate and Americanize our immigrants and children in the ideals, laws, and mores that make America what she has been. He must convince us he will control Congress' tendency to raise taxes and increase governmental programs, end SS distributions to non-citizens, reject the LOS Treaty, reject globalization including the publicly ignored NAFTA Highway through Texas and Northward, fight abortion on demand, support marriage between a man and a woman, end all mandatory racial and gender discriminations, and make every effort to return to the States those rights and decisions constitutionally theirs.
It is quite an agenda for any candidate but no portion of it can be ignored without dire consequences to a Presidential Campaign and our nation. Only Fred Thompson (wisely) has yet to go public with his entire plan. All the rest of the GOPers are fatally flawed; fatal to the GOP and fatal to the Nation. I hope some of these candidates are paying attention to their Conservative Christian base. If the GOPers will not, a third party candidate is a likely consequence. The last time that happened, Clinton was the result, the only President to "never win" a majority vote. [Read More]
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How to Win the Presidency of the USA
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