Tony Perkins, FRC: As Americans continue to debate this intersection of faith and society, there is no better time for the nation to hear from the Catholic Church's leader and moral ambassador, Pope Benedict XVI. In the three years of his papacy, Pope Benedict has been an unwavering voice for truth on issues of human life and dignity, marriage, and the family. Many observers have noted that despite theological differences between Catholics and Protestants, on moral issues devout Catholics and devout Protestants have more in common with each other than they do with liberals in their own camp. That's why even evangelical Protestants can welcome this pope's influence and experience in the inter-faith effort to preserve Judeo-Christian values within our culture. Pope Benedict may also address the right of Catholic colleges and universities to maintain distinctively Catholic identities and values--
Read More: Ken Blackwells' Searching for Truth
Tags: American Family Association, Christian Values, gay marriage, human life, morals, Pope, Pope Benedict XVI To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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