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Saturday, April 26, 2008

Info Post
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: The North Carolina GOP released the below ad taking on the liberal positions of candidates in their state who align with the beliefs of Barrack Obama and his associates. This ad entitled "Extreme" opposes Bev Perdue and Richard Moore for Governor. While the ad has been opposed by John McCain and others, the ad has nothing to do with John McCain or his campaign.

N.C. Republicans are not being clones for presidential campaigns or the RNC. Look at the results! North Carolina Republicans are in the forefront of the news. The ad, which speaks the truth trying to be ignored by the liberal media, is helping the North Carolina Republican Party raise large amounts of money. Everyone is pay attention. And the N.C. GOP is showing other state republican parties how to raise big money!

North Carolina Republicans comprehend that their back yards are truly the front lines and their efforts help all conservatives. They understand that to rally support in opposing advancing liberalism, you cannot continue to go along with the moderate agenda of others. Personally, I like their "elephant stampede ad." Running over a few liberals and an occasional RINO is okay be me. It helps to keep the political landscaped a little more balanced.

GOP state parties would do good to recognize that they are not going anywhere by sitting idle by waiting for crumbs of approved information or for money from either the RNC or national candidates. It would be good for state parties to recruit local party activists to work their behalf while keeping out of their party leadership those that have agenda to obtain from candidates future political positions in the RNC, Washington, D.C. or their state government.

The N.C. GOP political ad "Extreme" evidence a truth known to active conservatives and liberals alike. Today's local and state elected leaders will be the national leaders in the future. Liberals beget liberals. Conservatives beget conservatives. Rinos align more with liberals than with conservatives. And with these thoughts in mind, consider . . .

Tags: conservatives, GOP, liberals, North Carolina, political video, Politics, Republican, RINO, Election 2008 To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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