Breaking News
Thursday, April 24, 2008

Info Post
On The Floor: Yesterday, the Senate failed to invoke cloture on the motion to proceed to the Ledbetter bill (H.R. 2831) which would have removed the statute of limitations on wage discrimination lawsuits and therefore promoted a boom for trial layers to file more law suits.

The Senate reconvened at 9:30 AM today. They will resume consideration of the veterans’ bill (S. 1315). Around noon, the Senate is expected to vote on a substitute amendment offered by Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC), ranking member on the Veterans’ Affairs Committee. The Burr amendment would take $221 million over ten years that the original bill would spend on pensions for Filipino veterans and put it to use for U.S. veterans. After voting on the Burr amendment, the Senate will vote on final passage of the bill. The Senate will then begin consideration of the Genetic Nondiscrimination Act (H.R. 493). Following two hours of debate, the Senate is expected to vote on final passage of the bill.

From Senate & News Sources: Pressure continues on House Democrats over the Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Earlier this week, President Bush, Canadian Prime Minister Harper, and Mexican President Calderon were all critical of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s maneuver to freeze the Colombia agreement. Yesterday, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) expressed his frustration with House Democrats’ bowing to union pressure on this issue. This afternoon, Republican Leaders: Sen. Mitch McConnell, Rep. John Boehner, Rep. Roy Blunt, Sec. of Commerce Carlos Guitierrez and other GOP ranking members will hold a press conference to criticize House Democrats for blocking the Colombia pact. Politico reports that Pelosi told Boehner that she prefers to hold the trade deal hostage for a big-spending economic stimulus bill.

Meanwhile, Roll Call reports today that Senate Democrats have decided to use the schedule to push issues demanded by the Democrats’ left-wing base: “Democrats . . . are pushing bills favored by gay groups, women’s organizations and labor unions while denouncing insurance companies.” Yesterday’s vote on the Ledbetter bill was being pushed by liberal women’s groups, unions, and trial lawyers. When the bill failed to get 60 votes, the Senate Democrats' campaign arm quickly issued news releases attacking Republicans up for re-election.

Of course, Democrats are not just following liberal groups’ lead on domestic issues. Senate Democrats have recently been trying to claim that the war in Iraq has something to do with the economic slowdown which even called “political dynamite” in a fundraising email. DSCC Chair Chuck Schumer has held partisan hearings in an effort to to falsely link economic troubles to spending in Iraq. However, when it comes to funding the war, Democrats can’t seem to figure out what they’re doing. Roll Call and Politico both report on different factions pulling House Democrat leadership in a number of competing directions. Clearly, political considerations are driving Democrats on all of these issues. In contrast, Republicans simply want to stand by our allies in Colombia and Iraq and fund our troops without loading up on domestic spending.

Tags: Columbia, Democrats, Free Trade, liberal activists, liberalism, Republican, US Congress, US House, US Senate, Washington D.C. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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