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Monday, April 21, 2008

Info Post
by Gary L. Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: Few current or former members of the U.S. Senate are as admired by conservatives for their courage on values issues as former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Few current or former members of the United States Senate were more vociferous in their opposition to John McCain than former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum. Yet today, the Philadelphia Inquirer published a stellar op-ed by former Senator Santorum entitled, “Why Conservatives Should Support McCain.” Here are some excerpts...:
Of all the issues confronting the United States today, none is more important than our nation’s security. Although these issues don’t dominate our news as they once did, we cannot forget that without a safe and secure country, all other issues don’t matter.

McCain is clearly the candidate with the capacity, judgment, experience and will to confront America’s enemies. He’s served our country honorably – heroically – in war. I served eight years with him on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and I can assure you he knows our military...

The most important social issue is life. …In the end, with the exception of embryonic stem-cell funding, he [McCain] always voted for life and stood for the culture of life. In short, he’s been a reliable vote on life issues, which are critical to conservatives...

On judges, McCain has repeatedly made clear that he will, as his Web site states, “only nominate judges who understand that their role is to faithfully apply the law as written, not impose their opinions through judicial fiat.” Sounds good to me...
Those conservatives who still question whether they can support McCain should remember this: The next president will make more than 2,700 political appointments, those who really set policy, across the bureaucracy of our government. I, for one, will sleep better at 3 a.m. if Republicans are in the cabinet and in White House positions that make so many critical decisions. The idea of “Attorney General John Edwards” and “Energy Secretary Al Gore” should cause some sleepless nights for Republicans or conservatives – and those in a U.S. manufacturing sector now struggling to stay afloat.

That Senator Rick Santorum has written this column is more evidence that conservatives are indeed closing ranks, as I suggested in my Friday report. Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee have endorsed John McCain, and they are raising money for him. National Right to Life has endorsed John McCain, citing his “solid voting record against abortion” and his votes to confirm conservative judges.

I’m thankful more and more conservatives are coming to realize what I did two months ago -- that John McCain would not only be the Republican nominee, but that he is “our last, best hope” to prevent a national nightmare in November: the election of Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama. And here’s something else to consider: Yesterday, Justice John Paul Stevens, one of the Supreme Court’s most liberal members, celebrated his 88th birthday. Those conservatives still sitting on the sidelines ought to think about which candidate -- Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama or John McCain -- they would prefer to have in the White House making nominations to the Supreme Court!

Tags: conservatives, Election 2008, Gary Bauer, John Mccain, Rick Santorum To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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