Breaking News
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Info Post
Tired of paying the Pelosi Premium at the pump?
Hold Democrats accountable for their broken promises.

Gary Bauer commented the above video today:
Did you notice the breaking news today? According to various reports, Sam’s Club and Costco stores are taking steps to limit the amount of rice and possibly other products that consumers can buy as food prices are spiking worldwide. Another article reported that Japan has virtually run out of butter! Food riots are popping up all over the world. Some officials are calling it the “Silent Tsunami.” As usual, government isn’t the solution, but it is a big part of the problem—especially environmental mandates in Europe and America related to bio-fuels, particularly ethanol, which converts corn into gasoline. The global food crisis is so bad, the Associated Press reported, that U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon “warned Sunday that the world must urgently increase food production to ease skyrocketing prices…”

Did you get that? To bring prices down, we must increase production. Surely he meant to say we should raise taxes on food producers. What about immediate investigations of Kraft and Nestle? Shouldn’t we just tell people they must control their demand and cut back on food consumption? Of course, I’m being sarcastic, and hunger is no laughing matter. But neither is America’s energy crisis, and the solution is the same: We must increase production. Government bureaucrats and liberal activists need to get out of the way and let common sense and free markets work. We must stop turning food into fuel, encourage domestic production of oil and natural gas and permit the construction of new refineries and power plants.

I’m pleased to report that House Republicans are taking on the Democrats with a new web video that highlights Nancy Pelosi’s 2006 promise to lower gas prices if Democrats were given control of Congress. Well, they won, Pelosi is Speaker of the House and gas prices are higher than ever. Liberal solutions don’t work!

Tags: broken promises, Democrats, food riots, Gary Bauer, gas prices, liberalism, Nancy Pelosi, United Nations To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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