Rasmussen Reports, Presidential Tracking Poll (4/13/07): Sen. John McCain leads both Democratic presidential contenders in the latest daily tracking poll compiled by Rasmussen Reports. McCain, R-AZ., the presumptive Republican nominee, outpolls both Sen. Barack Obama, D-IL, by 50% to 42%, and Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-NY, by 49% to 41%. McCain now leads both Democrats among unaffiliated voters. . . . Rasmussen Reports is surveying voters this weekend for reaction to Obama’s remarks. Preliminary indications from interviews with 400 Likely Voters suggest that the comments are troublesome for Republicans and unaffiliated voters. However, there is less of an impact among Democrats. That tends to confirm the growing consensus that the comments may have more impact on the General Election than the Primaries.
Overall, among all voters nationwide, McCain is viewed favorably by 55% and unfavorably by 42%. Obama’s ratings have fallen to 48% favorable and 50% unfavorable. For Clinton, those numbers are 46% favorable, 51% unfavorable (see recent daily results). . . . The general election sample is currently based upon interviews with 1,600 Likely Voters. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.
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Rasmussen Reports Gives Edge to McCain
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