On The Floor: Congress returned to work yesterday afternoon. Today, the Senate is expected that the Senate will resume post-cloture consideration of the motion to proceed to a bill (HR 1195) making technical corrections to the 2005 highway bill (PL 109-59). In the House, Rep. Nancy Pelosi continues to receive national criticism for her poor performance as House Speaker!
From Senate & News Sources: It is April 15th -"tax day"! Senate Republicans will hold a press conference later today to highlight the Democrats’ dangerous tax policies. In particular, the budget Democrats passed in March assumes the expiration of the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003, which would result in a $1.2 trillion tax hike - the largest in U.S. history.
The AP reports, “Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Bush’s call to extend the tax cuts would help multimillionaires and special interests, not average working Americans.” Reid might want to tell that to the “average working Americans” who will face tax increases if those tax cuts are allowed to expire. Jim Nusslem Director, Office of Management and Budget identified that a middle-class family of four with two children earning $60,000 would face a tax increase of nearly $2,000 — a 70% increase in their taxes. The Democrats’ response is to continue to blame the tax burden on the war in Iraq. However, The Washington Post writes today, “To economists on the left and the right, [such] analysis strains credulity.” And while Democrats complain of excessive spending in Iraq, CQ Today reports that they are readying another stimulus package that would spend even more taxpayer dollars.
Criticism of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s move to freeze the Colombia Free Trade Agreement continues to accumulate. Yesterday, President Bush said, “It’s not in our country's interests that we stiff an ally like Colombia and that we don't encourage our goods and services to be sold overseas.” Investor’s Business Daily attacked Pelosi and House Democrats for their “game of legislative rope-a-dope” on the Colombia agreement. The Wall Street Journal pointed out “35 former senior officials in Democratic Administrations and Democratic Members of Congress [who] signed an open letter urging Congress to pass the Colombia pact.” And House Republicans noted that the hometown and home state newspapers of Democrats in House Leadership have “hammer[ed]” them over their support for Pelosi’s move.
It is apparent that critically needed legislation will languish until House Democrats decide that the good of the country should trump that of powerful liberal special interests. Many house democrats seem to be holding their breath as the Congressional session clock runs down. Many Blue Dog democrats had better wake-up to the reason why they have been rewarded with uncontested races. Their constituents believe they can lead the House back to sanity. If action is not taken to clean up the House leadership, Blue Dogs will in fact be the Lap Dogs for the liberals and should not expect to be so rewarded in future elections. The public will not abide the continued imbecilic leadership as demonstrated by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
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Today in Washington D. C. - April 15, 2008 - Criticism of Pelosi Continues
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