Breaking News
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Info Post
Hat Tip to Noel Sheppard, NewsBusters:
Want to talk about really inconvenient truths? Well, despite Nobel Laureate Al Gore's massive campaign to scare the world into thinking the planet is facing imminent doom at the hands of global warming, Americans don't seem to be buying it.

In fact, a new Gallup poll released . . . revealed, "a little more than a third say they worry about [global warming] a great deal, a percentage that is roughly the same as the one Gallup measured 19 years ago."

Hehehehehe. Here are the exquisitely delicious details:

. . . Despite the enormous attention paid to global warming over the past several years, the average American is in some ways no more worried about it than in years past. . . . But the American public is more worried about a series of other environmental concerns than about global warming, and there has been no consistent upward trend on worry about global warming going back for two decades. Additionally, only a little more than a third of Americans say that immediate, drastic action is needed in order to maintain life as we know it on the planet. . . .

The fact that a majority of Americans don't believe global warming will pose a threat to them in their lifetimes makes it perhaps less surprising to find that significantly less than a majority of Americans say they worry a great deal about it. In fact, worry about global warming is low on a list of 12 environmental problems that Gallup asks about in the Environment surveys. . . .

the percentage of Americans who worry a great deal about global warming is no higher now than it was 19 years ago. And the percentage who do worry a great deal -- 37% -- is still well less than a majority, and in fact lower than the percentage who worry a great deal about such environmental issues as pollution of drinking water, pollution of lakes and reservoirs, and toxic waste in the soil. . . [More of Noel Sheppards' comments on the Gallup Poll on Global Warming]
Tags: Al Gore, Gallup Poll, global warming, News Busters, Noel Sheppard To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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