Breaking News
Sunday, June 8, 2008

Info Post
National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC): By the time you read this posting, the price of gas may already have reached an historic national average of $4/gallon. And the truth is, that number will only continue to climb over the summer months. Not everyone is torn up or concerned about the high price of gas, though. The Democrat-controlled Congress seems perfectly content for Americans to pay upwards of $4/gallon or even $5/gallon at the pump by the end of the year. Perhaps Democrats consider expensive fuel the best tool for behavior modification – keep gas prices high and Americans will be forced, by financial necessity, to consume less. What else could explain the absurd action this last week by House Democrats to both restrict and decrease domestic exploration, despite the 57% of Americans who have told Congress that they support exploring domestic resources of energy in order to help bring down the rising cost of gas? Americans are being forced to sacrifice their wallets and their freedom because of a Democrat ideology that refuses to accept the simple notion of more energy now, cleaner energy over time.

Last year, Republicans proposed an energy bill to:
  • Increase the supply of oil in America

  • Encourage conservation

  • Promote alternative energy production from wind, nuclear, natural gas and other alternative forms of energy

  • It’s up to Congress to authorize the exploration of proven energy reserves on public lands. It’s up to Congress to extend tax credits to businesses using solar and wind power. And it’s up to Congress to offer incentives to Americans who conserve energy and voluntarily reduce consumption.

    Are you fired up about energy prices? Tell us why by clicking here. Increasing our energy supply is as much about increasing our own personal freedom as it is about bringing down the high price of fuel. Republicans are going to continue to fight the battle to increase the supply domestic energy until Democrats are forced to take up the issue and have an open debate in full view of the American people. If you support this cause, please go here and sign the petition to make gas cheaper now.

    Tags: gas price protest, gas prices, gasoline prices, NRCC To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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