Breaking News
Thursday, June 5, 2008

Info Post
Habitat for Humanity, a Christian ministry dedicated to building houses for the poor, has abandoned its plan to help Planned Parenthood open a clinic in Sarasota, Fla. In order to follow local zoning regulations, Planned Parenthood made a land deal with Habitat for Humanity. After being bombarded with phone calls and e-mails from concerned citizens, Habitat agreed to end its association with the nation’s largest abortion provider. reported that Duane Bates, the director of Public and Media Relations for the national Habitat organization, confirmed in an email that Habitat is no longer involved. "We wanted to inform you that Habitat for Humanity of Sarasota has declined a donation of land from Planned Parenthood, stating that accepting the land 'would not be in the best interests of our ongoing work in the community, the families we seek to serve or the broader Habitat for Humanity community,'" he said. Bates said that the national organization never signed off on the decision to aid Plannmed Parenthood.

The Habitat vote came after a week of phone calls and e-mail to the local and the international Habitat offices from many individuals locally and around the country," he said. "Many of them were Habitat volunteers and supporters who didn't want to see their organization involved with Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the nation." Also See: Habitat for Humanity Disassociates With Planned Parenthood Abortion Center

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