At the Daily News Record, P. Hudson Nuckols Jr., Shenandoah Va details his reasons "Why I like Mike Huckabee for vice president and why we need him":
- Sixteen million to 18 million Southern Baptists can be counted on! Fifty-plus million evangelicals share his values, as do many millions of Democrats.
- Mike has that rare ability to communicate with the common man. "Blue collar" people can identify with him.
- The Southern vote! He succeeded in Arkansas where Clinton failed.
- Black Baptists (there are millions of them) and others: shared values!
- The Reagan Appeal!
- A man of faith and prayer that inspires confidence. "This Book ... thou shalt meditate there in day and night ... observe to do all that is written therein for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success" (Joshua 1:18).
- A foot soldier on domestic issues, freeing President McCain to focus the attention needed on defense and other crises.
- Personality! Mike has it! Who better to reach across the Congressional aisle to reluctant Democrats? And, Republicans!
- Mike Huckabee already has name recognition and the respect of many, many people . . . [Source]
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