From News Sources: Robert J. Samuelson, The Washington Post, explained some of the problems with the cap-and-trade approach: “The chief political virtue of cap-and-trade -- a complex scheme to reduce greenhouse gases -- is its complexity. This allows its environmental supporters to shape public perceptions in essentially deceptive ways. Cap-and-trade would act as a tax, but it's not described as a tax. It would regulate economic activity, but it's promoted as a ‘free market’ mechanism. Finally, it would trigger a tidal wave of influence-peddling, as lobbyists scrambled to exploit the system for different industries and localities. This would undermine whatever abstract advantages the system has.”
George Will savaged the bill in his column yesterday, writing, “An unprecedentedly radical government grab for control of the American economy will be debated this week when the Senate considers saving the planet by means of a cap-and-trade system to ration carbon emissions.” “A carbon tax would be too clear and candid for political comfort,” Will wrote. “It would clearly be what cap-and-trade deviously is, a tax, but one with a known cost. . . . Cap-and-trade -- government auctioning permits for businesses to continue to do business -- is a huge tax hidden in a bureaucratic labyrinth of opaque permit transactions.”
National Review Online dialed in on another major consequence of this bill: “By rationing the use of fossil fuels, the bill would lead to higher coal, natural-gas, and petroleum prices, even though the prices of those commodities are already at historic highs.” That’s not all. According to The Wall Street Journal, “even the cap-and-trade friendly Environmental Protection Agency estimates that the bill would reduce GDP between $1 trillion and $2.8 trillion by 2050.”
The Boxer bill is raising concerns all across the political spectrum. The Denver Post reports that Sen. Ken Salazar is “concerned” about the bill and The Cleveland Plain Dealer notes that neither Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) or Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) supports the bill at the moment and adds, “The bill, as conceived, will just bore new holes into an already battered economy.”
While the Senate focuses on climate issues, though, it is important not to miss the positive news out of Iraq over the last week. The AP, Reuters,
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