Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families : What is the explanation for both solidly liberal Democrats and solidly conservative Republicans...
Same-day Voting in Ohio Raises Some Questions
by Patrick Britton : The elections are still 36 days away but people in Ohio are already voting by absentee. There’s nothing special about v...
John McCain leads Barack Obama in Arkansas
Rasmussen Reports : John McCain’s lead over Barack Obama in Arkansas remains stable. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the s...
Arkansas Voter Registration Ends Monday
Deadline for voter registration in Arkansas is Monday, October 6 . Where you can get registration forms . Tags: Arkansas, voter registratio...
Today in Washington D. C. - Sept 30, 2008
The House voted down the economic stabilization ("rescue") plan (H.R. 3997) Monday by a vote of 205-228 , sending Congressional ...
Voight plays Washington, slams anti-American films
Washington Times — It's colossal, it's stupendous. In exactly five days, Jon Voight will become the ghost of George Washington, lea...
Obama - ACORN Root Causes of Mortgage Crisis?
by Alan Gottlieb, AmeriPac : FBI Investigates U.S. Financial Crisis - Where Did $1 Trillion Go? - The high-risk subprime mortgage social en...
Congressional Martial Law.. what's in the bailout? [Video]
H. Res. -- Waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to the consideration of certain resolutions reported from the Com...
The Gift that Keeps on Giving
H/T Michael Asher Tags: Barack Obama, Fannie Mae, gifts, money, political contributions, Politics To share or post to your site, click on ...
Missouri Democrat Sheriffs & Prosecutor Seek to Restrict Free Speech
Hat Tip to Gateway Pundit : St. Louis and Missouri Democrat sheriffs and top prosecutors are planning to go after anyone who makes false st...
Today in Washington D. C. - Sept 29, 2008
Update - Breaking News (2:10 pm) - House fails to pass economic stabilization bill. The Senate will resume consideration of the House messa...
Mike Hucakbee Show's 1st Guest Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Opening of Huckabee Show [Fox 9/27/08] Elisabeth Hasselbeck Appears On Huckabee Show [Fox 9/27/08] Part 1 Part 2 Tags: Arkansas, Elizabeth ...
Repealing the State Bingo Tax Is Not Enough
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: One candidate running for the Arkansas State legislature argues that last week's Arkansas Legislature’s Joint ...
Huckabee Has Own Show on Fox
Former Presidential Candidate and Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee will start his own show today on Fox. The show is called “Huckabee” and is...
Today in Washington D. C. - Sept 27, 2008 (Saturday Session) #pork
Yesterday, Senate Democrats did not get the 60 votes needed to move forward with a bloated $56 billion stimulus package stuffed with all ki...
The Federalist on Regulating Commerce or Revenue
“Every new regulation concerning commerce or revenue; or in any manner affecting the value of the different species of property, presents a ...
Explosive Video, Fannie Mae CEO calling Obama & Dems the "Family" & "Conscience" of Fannie Mae
In tonight's Debate, Barack had the nerve to bring up the recent financial industry crisis and assign blame, but he didn't mention t...
Motivational Poster of the Day
While a majority of the national democrat leadership today is liberal, many grassroots democrats remain faitful to their conservative roots....
Today in Washington D. C. - Sept 26, 2008 - #pork
The Senate is expected to proceed to the continuing resolution (H.R. 2638) to fund the government until March 2009. Yesterday, Sen.s Reid ...
Major "Earmark" in Democrat Bailout Agreement
Update (9:58AM, Sept. 26th): While Sens. Harry Reid and Chris Dodd stand before the news this morning pontificating and mocking Republicans...
Local, national issues combine to impact Arkansas elections
by Joanne Bratton, USA TODAY : Mountain Home, AR -- Voters here, like in most places, will be thinking about the economy, the Iraq war and...
McCain and Obama On Priorities
One Reader's Opinion: Gary Evans, Baxter County, AR: Please bear with me as I blow off a little steam!!! What next? If I am not mistake...
Today in Washington D. C. - Sept 25, 2008
The Senate is expected to begin consideration of the continuing resolution (H.R. 2638) to fund the government until March 2009. Negotiation...
All Deliberate Speed: Constitutional Fidelity and Prudent Policy . . .
Todd F. Gaziano and Andrew M. Grossman, The Heritage Foundation : Even in times of difficulty or crisis, the constitutional design for legi...
The End of the Day - The Palin Family
Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: As we end this day with trepidation over both the current financial situation and the actions that the Government ...
Not So Faithful
Tony Perkins, FRC Action : People hoping for a lively discussion on faith and values from Sen. Barack Obama's (D-Ill.) campaign were sur...
Five Chaplains Lose Jobs For Praying “In Jesus’ Name”
Gordon Klingenschmitt, Christian NewsWire : Virginia Governor Tim Kaine is defending why his administration forced the sudden resignation o...
Ten Reasons Obama Dumps Biden
I posted previously, Is Biden on the way out? i can now now identify the source as Steve Maloney who was subsequently cites as the source b...
Arkansas 527 AD Hits Obama
H/T to David Kincade : Citizens for Open and Reponsive Government (CORG) , an Arkansas-based 527 group, released a new independent ad hitti...
Today in Washington D. C. - Sept 24, 2008
The Senate and House are in session. Yesterday, the Senate passed a compromise tax extenders package (H.R. 6049) by a vote of 93-2 . The ...