Dr. Bill Smith, Editor, ARRA News Service has partnered with Adam Bitely, Director of New Media at Americans for Limited Government to assist ALG in promoting their "Stop the Bailout" petition. A new advertising image has been developed and embedded on the ARRA News Service site with a link to the petition. Smith is concerned, along with millions of other Americans, about the continued use or bailouts and stimulus programs which are creating massive National Debt which will place at risk both the present generation and numerous future generations. Unfortunately, many concerned Americans are not yet aware of efforts by various groups seeking to bring pressure on Congress and the Obama Administration to return spending back to acceptable parameters.
Dr. Smith joins with other concerned citizens who seek to address the run away process that is not following the requirements in Article 1, Section 9, the U.S. Constitution which says "No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law..." This process is not being openly and honestly followed. The public learns daily of another earmark, pork project, government waste, or fraud in the administration of a government program be it by public and private agencies or organizations that have obtained and used Federal money. Money paid for by other responsible Americans.
It is time to slow the rush to destruction and to return sanity to the Congressional funding process. We need to return to the authorization and appropriation process. And that process need to be open to all legislators giving them adequate time to review, comment and vote. In addition adequate time should be provided to interested taxpayers and the oversight agencies they support for access, review and comment to their representative or senator. The Americans for Limited Government's Stop the Bailout petition offers a reasonable beginning approach and helps the reader express themselves and to express to Congress and the Administration the views and concerns of Americans over this runaway train to nowhere with our money.
Smith encourages other new media sites to copy and promote the image with the link to the Stop the Bailout Petition thus offering their readers encouragement to get involved with easy access and encouragement to visit and sign the petition. Also, all readers of this release are encouraged to sign the petition and to pass this information on to their family and friends.
Tags: auto bailout, bailout, bailouts, fraud, government waste, mortgage bailout, National Debt, pork-barrel spenders, state government, Stop the Bailout, union bailouts, US Congress To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
ARRA Editor Encourages Others to Promote the "Stop the Bailout" Petition
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