by Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families: Republican leaders are hitting back at the Obama White House today over its attempt to smear Rush Limbaugh. Texas Senator John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is charging that the coordinated attack on Rush “reeks of hypocrisy.” House Republican Leader John Boehner also weighed in with an opinion piece in the Washington Post. Limbaugh himself compared the Obama White House to the Nixon White House, which was well known for its infamous “enemies list.”
The controversy has helped Rush. In the last week his ratings have nearly doubled. But it is easy to see the goal of the White House strategy. Most Americans don’t listen to Rush Limbaugh and all they know about him is what the liberal media tell them. Republicans love him. Democrats hate him. Unfortunately, Independents tend to have a negative view of him too, and that is the group that the Carville/Begala/Axelrod/Emanuel gang is trying to influence.
In my view, every American, whether they like Limbaugh or not, should be concerned and outraged that government officials from the White House are engaged in a systematic effort to smear media personalities – Rick Santelli, Jim Cramer and Rush Limbaugh. Imagine if under President Bush there had been a concerted effort to “get” Keith Olbermann or Katie Couric? Every civil libertarian in the country would be screaming about freedom of speech and government oppression. Where are those civil libertarians now?
As I wrote earlier this week, this is more evidence of the Left’s totalitarian impulse to silence dissent. This White House is still in campaign mode -- attacking talk show hosts when it should be governing. You can read more of my thoughts on this controversy in my weekly column at Human Events.
Tags: Gary Bauer, media smear, Obama operatives, Rush Limbaugh To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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