. . . I respect Rush. I share his views on two-thirds of issues. I came to those conclusions without him. You see, contrary what is taught in our dreadful liberal public schools, conservatives are also born with a cerebrum, a cerebellum, and a medula oblongata. Unlike those on the left, we were also given a funnybone.
Rush Limbaugh appeals to the brain and the sense of humor. Yet if he never existed, we still would. We created him, not the other way around. He is not my leader. He is a follower, just like me, in a powerful movement known as conservatism.
I have never met Mr. Limbaugh. I have never spoken with him, or interviewed him. Yet I am proud to have him stand shoulder to shoulder with me because he shares my conservatism. He understands that liberalism is a scourge. It must be defeated everywhere it rears its head. . . .
When I would express a conservative thought, I would often be confronted with the nasty reply that “I took my marching orders from Rush Limbaugh.” There was one problem with this theory. I had no idea who this Limbaugh fellow was! Most liberals were comparing me to a man I had never met, or even heard. . . .
So how could I possibly understand conservatism without a radio talk show host to guide me? By thinking for myself. I saw what liberalism did to people. It destroyed them and ripped their insides out. It trapped them in failed schools, condemned to misery. It would turn out that no matter what the political issue, liberalism equaled misery. Only a liberal could possibly want that. . . .
Yet despite not having heard Mr. Limbaugh’s program in years, I still maintain my conservative credentials. Apparently my brain still functions. Liberals might want to try this. After all, they are the ones that bow before their anointed ones, who teach them to be bipartisan and spread peace through anger, rage, hatred, and violence toward anybody they disagree with.
The only lesson Mr. Limbaugh truly gets across that I sometimes forget on my own is the importance of optimism. As he says, we “should be of good cheer.” When all is said and done, I still think Rush Limbaugh is fabulous. Yet our brief associations are of want, not of need. We both succeeded without the other one. . . .
So thank you Mr. Limbaugh for your agreeing with me. I anybody asks, I will tell them the truth. I did not tell you what to say to CPAC. You said what was in your heart, mind, and soul, and it was right. Had I given the speech, your response would have been “ditto.” We are both that good, and so is every conservative that pays attention and agrees with us. We get it. Liberals never will, because if they did, they would be conservatives. . . . [Full article: Rush Limbaugh, CPAC, and Me]
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