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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Info Post
Hat Tip to Lance Fairchok at the American Thinker for an exceptional article. Excepts follow but you really should take the time to read his entire article:
There is something about D.C. that saps the will and dulls the intellect of conservatives. Prolonged exposure makes them fretful and risk-averse, even timid with controversial issues. Rather than standing on the fundamental values that define American conservativism such as fiscal restraint, limited government, low taxes and free markets, they sidestep and tap-dance, befuddled by the "bi-partisan" opiates peddled by Socialist Democrats.

Perhaps they are worried about re-election more than the core issues. Their long record of misreading the national temperament, rolling over on leftist initiatives, and pushing the wrong candidates has alienated conservatives of all stripes. They squandered the mandate voters handed them in 2004. Vast numbers have now registered Independent in protest. When you don't fight back, you lose. Socialist calls for "bipartisanship" are a trick conservatives fall for again and again, a tool they use to undermine us; they do not pretend to follow it. So why do we listen to political traitors like Colin Powell or fence-sitting bureaucrats like Tom Ridge? Why do we give the advice of "big tent" moderates any credence? Because our opponents tell us to, and, like fools, we listen.

Tom Ridge . . . recently criticized Rush Limbaugh on CNN. His comments closely echoed the kumbaya nonsense that convinced John McCain that there was an ethical political high road that would gain him the votes he needed. The Democrat Socialists never bothered to go there, but McCain foolishly did. . . . In case you have not noticed, we are in a crisis contrived and perpetuated by the very people you wish us to be respectful of, whom you call "our friends on the other side of the aisle." Not being divisive has bought us a socialist in the presidency and thieves in congress and a ticket on a bullet train to disaster. "Shrill" conservative commentary is a leftist canard, there is no shriller voice than a socialist scorned. So he tells us not to offend the opposition that is working hard on stealing our children's future and squandering our nation's treasure. How can conservatives take the Republican Party seriously when such people are running it?

Colin Powell's treachery was very Obama-esque . . . . Let me say what most Republicans feel. When Colin Powell came out in support of Barack Obama, he effectively renounced Republicanism. Powell spat in the face of all conservative Americans . . . . Obama is unmistakably and unabashedly socialist in his policies; he is the embodiment of the radical left and his policies are a disaster for our nation. Powell knows there will be no forgiveness. So when he criticizes "right wing" conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh, he is merely appeasing his new masters and weakening the party he has already betrayed.

It's not just Limbaugh. When any conservative figure is perceived as pivotal to the success of the Republican Party, the Socialists go gunning for them, they use every stratagem and deceit they can, they concoct and exaggerate, they ridicule and they lie. Sarah Palin, Ted Stevens, Karl Rove, Scooter Libby, Tom Delay, Dick Cheney and Rush Limbaugh are all examples. The smears, slander and character assassination are a tactic they are not shy about using. The press is their ally, repeating every absurd and fallacious talking point, stacking panels with Socialist apologists and shouting down conservative perspectives. Inevitably, they find a Republican quisling, like Powell, to parrot their words, . . . .

It is fashionable in elite Republican circles to turn up your nose when Limbaugh is mentioned, he is so embarrassingly proletarian, so annoyingly common, and he has no Ivy League pedigree. He is "divisive," he is "offensive," he is "polarizing;" in short; he is a hell of a lot more effective than the gang in charge that let the opposition define the issues and the debate. . . .Love him or hate him, Limbaugh is doing something. He is clear and consistent, and despite the criticisms . . . he articulates what many millions believe and current events reinforce. He is the thin strand of principle holding us together in a leadership vacuum.

All the ever-so-reasonable sounding reprimands, admonishing us to be less "partisan" and to "reach out rather than criticize" and to "tone down the rhetoric" have an underlying purpose, to weaken a party already crippled by a deficit of self-confidence. It is an old Alinsky trick to place conservative perspectives in a negative moral context and hammer away; eventually, the opposition will grow disillusioned, its animating energy diminished. It works. Our tremulous elites are endlessly distracted by focus groups and straw polls, talk show pundits and the ravings of corrupt legislators that couldn't tell the truth to save their souls. These country club conservatives are convinced that standing on conservative principles will be a failure.

Either you believe in your principles or you do not. If not, you might as well go the way of the wretched Arlen Specter. You fight honorably, but you fight to win, because the alternative is a failed America. There is not much time, 2010 is our last chance. Once the trillions in stimulus fill the Democrat party coffers and cement their cronies into government, the nation is theirs . . . Stopping Obama and the socialists in congress is vital to our survival as a free republic. There will be no greater cause in our lifetimes. It is not rocket science. If we do nothing, they win. They have chosen to become the enemies of liberty, the fifth column that undermines the Republic.

Here is a clear simple message from the heartland to the sorry excuses for conservatives that run the Republican Party: We do not want leftist-lites. We want principled and outspoken leaders that do not give a damn about the good opinion of the corrupt press or foreign princes or the approval of the "other side of the isle." We want you to go for the jugular, we want you to expose the corruption, uncover the deceit, shout out your condemnation and outrage and hit them again and again and again. We want you to get mad at the trillions in theft and act mad. Do not pull your punches and do not back down from the fight. We want you act like Patriots and save this country, because the consequences, despite our wealth and despite our power, are the same as they were at our founding.

. . . {Remember] Samuel Adams' words to those who quavered in their support of the American Revolution. . . . "If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animated contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen!" Samuel Adams

Tags: Democrats, Lance Fairchok, Republican Party, Samual Adams, socialist To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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