Nearly 300,000 Israelis live in communities of Judea and Samaria, or “the West Bank” as it is often referred to. These are not “outposts” or “settlements,” as Big Media and assorted commentators label them. They are Israeli “hometowns.” In these communities, young Israelis marry, start households and have babies. Nine thousand six hundred babies were born in Judea and Samaria in the most recent year and these growing families need housing.
But when President Obama met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last month, he told the prime minister that the U.S. wanted no more housing built in Judea and Samaria. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a few days later made it clear that there were no exceptions – not even for so-called “natural growth” – those pesky new Israeli families and their newborn babies.
Of course, the real goal here is even more disgusting. Obama/Clinton intend to browbeat Israel into turning Judea/Samaria over to a new Palestinian state and for that to happen the land has to be “Jew free.” Yes, you read that right. Remember Gaza? Every Jew was forced out for the simple reason that any Jew left behind would have been killed almost immediately. Gaza is now one big terror training camp, but that hasn’t stopped the anti-Israel crowd from pushing the same idea in Judea and Samaria.
Forcing an entire ethnic group to leave a geographic area and denying them housing is called “ethnic cleansing” and it is a war crime. But that is where Obama is headed, while too many “friends” of Israel in Congress and elsewhere stand by in silence. It is way past time for American Jews and pro-Israel Christians to speak up.
See also: - Netanyahu defies Obama call for settlement freeze
- Netanyahu: Call for settlement freeze unreasonable
- 6 Die as Palestinian Authority Forces Clash With Hamas
- With support for Abbas, is Obama betting on wrong horse? "Obama made one overriding demand: that Israel evacuate illegal West Bank outposts and freeze all construction in existing Jewish settlements. . . . Abbas said he would not meet with Netanyahu until the Israeli leader accepted the two-state solution and agreed to freeze all settlement construction, per Obama’s demand. . . . The Israelis asked: What was the point of freezing construction in communities that by all accounts would remain on the Israeli side of any future border? They said they were surprised to discover that the new administration apparently does not intend to honor the Bush commitment. . . . Israelis on the left and the right are critical of the Obama approach. . . . Part of the problem is that the Palestinians have never been as disunited as they are today. . . . For the past several weeks, Fatah and Hamas have been negotiating on a national unity government in Cairo, with little success."
Tags: Barack Obama, Benjamin Netanyahu, Gary Bauer, Israel, Jews, Judea, Samaria To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
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