by Gary Bauer, Contributing Author: Obama’s Scheduling Error - Yesterday, President Obama announced a major shift in U.S. energy policy by opening up large offshore areas for energy exploration. It was the “big story” of the day. But Obama’s announcement should have been made today, because, in spite of all the hype, his proposal amounts to an early April Fool’s joke on the American people.
Unfortunately for the president, his usual willing accomplices in the liberal media let the cat out of the bag. Consider this excerpt from the Los Angeles Times, “President Obama, after delaying and deliberating for a year, unveiled a controversial offshore drilling plan Wednesday that was driven largely by the politics of his agenda on energy and climate change -- not by hopes of changing the nation's energy supply. As a presidential candidate, Obama was attacked … for not supporting all-out expansion of offshore drilling. And one of his administration's first acts after he took office last year was to cancel the long-term offshore plans President George W. Bush had released at the end of his tenure.”
As we reported Friday, and as the Times report states, upon taking office the Obama Administration immediately slammed the brakes on offshore drilling and domestic exploration. Yesterday’s announcement isn’t progress at all. In fact, Obama canceled four planned leases in Alaska, put some areas of the Gulf of Mexico off limits, as well as the entire West Coast. After taking two steps back, Obama at best took one baby step forward.
But the worst part about the announcement is that Obama tied it to his political agenda, i.e., a cap and trade scheme and subsidies for “clean energy.” Cap and trade is a a great big tax that will lead to $7.00 a gallon gas. Why would anyone want to do that? As one analyst described it, this is the “Tanya Harding approach” to energy policy.
Obama and his liberal allies have to “break the kneecaps” of our current economy with tremendous taxes in order to make their Utopian “green” economy viable. For example, in 2008 the U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that subsidies for solar energy were $24.34 per megawatt-hour (MWh), while wind power was subsidized at $23.37 per MWh. In contrast, natural gas received 25 cents per MWh in subsidies, coal 44 cents, hydroelectricity 67 cents and nuclear power $1.59.
Gary Bauer is is a conservative family values advocate and serves as president of American Values and chairman of the Campaign for Working Families. He submitted this article in an email to the ARRA News Service Editor. Bauer was a former Republican presidential candidate and served as President Ronald Reagan’s domestic policy adviser.
Tags: Gary Bauer, cap and trade, clean energy, William Warren, political cartoon, Barack Obama, oil drilling, offshore drilling, oil
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