Though Democrats left town for the Easter recess with plans to brag about their $2.6 trillion health care takeover, it seems that many of the highest-profile supporters of President Obama’s signature legislation aren’t as eager to commit "harry carry" discussing the unpopular bill with their frustrated constituents in an election year. As Congress left for recess, The Hill reported, “Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants House Democrats to go on offense during the critical two-week recess that begins this weekend. Members returning to their districts should tout the new health care law’s benefits to their constituents, according to the ‘recess packet’ issued by Pelosi’s (D-CA) office this week and obtained by The Hill. ‘With the passage of health insurance reform, this District Work Period is a critical time to go on offense,’ the memo states.”
But according to a Politico story yesterday, “[I]nstead of barnstorming their districts celebrating their historic accomplishment, some [Democrats] have been content to remain beneath the radar, reluctant to advertise their role in passing the centerpiece of President Barack Obama’s domestic policy agenda. Rep. John Boccieri, who represents [a] conservative area in northeast Ohio, is one of them. After announcing his intention to vote for the bill in a news conference televised live on CNN two days before the vote, Obama lauded his political courage. For the past week, however, Boccieri has gone dark, surfacing only last Wednesday night — in New York City — at a cocktail party fundraiser to benefit his reelection campaign. . . . Boccieri is not alone. He’s one of a number of House Democrats who’ve kept a low profile over the recess, a group largely defined by the level of political jeopardy they face this fall.”
In fact, Reuters reported last week that even “Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, who fought for a year to muster the votes in his own party, had no plans to speak on health care during the spring break, his staff said.” But Harry Reid is facing a dose of reality as discussed yesterday by the ARRA News Service, "Nothing illustrates the fall of a man from favor more than coming home and having most people ignore him. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is one of the most unpopular people in the U.S. this week, he returned to his home town of Searchlight Nevada to "kick off" his re-election campaign at the Searchlight Nugget casino. The news report that over 100 people were there. I would expect that in a casino with food, drinks and corralled workers, Reid would have been able to mustered at least 100 people . . . . In contrast to the exaggerated 100 who attended Reid's re-election kick-off, recall that a few days ago, up to 10,000 people (the number most likely understated by the liberal media) attended an anti-Reid rally in his Reid's home town."
And yet, in a very interesting interview with Fox’s Greta Van Susteren last night Reid said, “[E]verybody acknowledges with rare exception that what we did was terrific, and if there are some problems in out years we’ll be happy to look at them.” Barf Reid - we sure do believe you! National Review Online’s Jim Geraghty slapped Reid's comment around today by noting that 62% of Nevadans are apparently “rare exceptions” in Reid’s view, given a recent Rasmussen poll showing a large majority supporting repeal of the law. So Reid is awfully proud of the health care bill, but he doesn’t plan to speak about it while he’s at home in the Silver State?
He apparently wasn’t shy about bragging about it on TV, though. The Hill points out, “Healthcare reform has ‘changed America forever,’ Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) confidently proclaimed Monday night. ‘People compare it to Medicare. Bigger than Medicare,’ Reid told Fox News’s Greta Van Sustren. ‘Medicare just affected old people. Bigger than social Security, because at the time Social Security passed it dealt only with old people. This affects everybody.’” And still Reid had to admit, “This is not a perfect piece of legislation.” Your right on that Harry (that's what he's called in Searchlight omitting the expletives)!
We can read read the deluge of stories over the last two weeks of major employers taking huge hits to their bottom lines thanks to the health care bill and small businesses like tanning salons lamenting the effects of new taxes in the bill. Then there is all the bad policy ideas in the bill: $500 billion in Medicare cuts, the fact that it won’t lower premiums for Americans while it grows already unsustainable government spending, or the fact that Democrat leaders failed to protect both active and retired military and their families by addressing TRICARE as adequate medical coverage thereby subjecting these families to potential penalties by either HHS or the IRS.
Republican Leader Mitch McConnell said recently, “Most people aren’t interested in celebrating a bill that makes their lives more complicated, takes more out of their paychecks and puts decisions they’re used to making themselves into the hands of federal bureaucrats.” Which may be why Democrats aren’t in a rush to brag about it in front of their angry constituents! The obvious fact to Americans is that while Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the other Democrat leaders are on recess, so are their brains!
Tags: Democrats, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, health care, military, US Congress, government healthcare, TRICARE, economy, tax increases, higher deficit, insurance coverage
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Reid and Democrat Leaders on Recess and So Are Their Brains!
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