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Monday, April 5, 2010

Info Post
Bill Smith, Editor: Nothing illustrates the fall of a man from favor more than coming home and having most people ignore him. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) is one of the most unpopular people in the U.S. this week, he returned to his home town of Searchlight Nevada to "kick off" his re-election campaign at the Searchlight Nugget casino. The news report that over 100 people were there. I would expect that in a casino with food, drinks and corralled workers, Reid would have been able to mustered at least 100 people for his short "I am back, please send me back to Washington D.C." speech

Harry Reid, the home wrecking, jobs killer, even promised in his comments that he would "bring home more jobs to Nevada" which is suffering record-high unemployment and home foreclosure rates. However, some of his supporters may have missed that both unemployment and home foreclosure can be laid squarely at the feet of the triad of progressive liberalism: Reid, Pelosi and Obama.

In contrast to the exaggerated 100 who attended Reid's re-election kick-off, recall that a few days ago, up to 10,000 people (the number most likely understated by the liberal media) attended an anti-Reid rally in his Reid's home town. The rally was called "Showdown in Searchlight" and was primarily organized by the conservative TEA Party movement. Sarah Palin was the "big-draw" speaker.
Searchlight Nevada - Harry Reid Tea Party Crowd shot 360

Laura Myers of the Las Vegas Review-Journal said: Reid's popularity ratings are at an all-time low with only one-third of Nevada voters having a favorable opinion of him and about half unfavorable. The same poll commissioned by the Las Vegas Review-Journal shows the senator losing to his three top potential GOP opponents with Reid gaining only about four out of 10 votes in various one-to-one match-ups. The election outcome could be different, however, if Reid faces multiple candidates in the fall, a scenario that could splinter the anti-Reid vote and help him eke out a victory." [Full Story]

While Searchlight may foreshadows the fall of Harry Reid, Myers' comment about multiple parties is important. It would indeed be a trajedy for Reid to be re-elected due to the fracturing of the conservative vote by self-centered interests seeking to run or even to co-opt the efforts of others including the TEA Party to achieve their own agendas. America is tired of agendas and independent third parties have always given conservatives the worst case scenario. In this case, it would be the re-election of Harry Reid. Also, we need to be wary of wolves seeking to misdirect the efforts of conservatives. The Democrat dirty tricks machine is alive and well and their boy Harry is in trouble.

Tags: Harry Reid, Searchlight, Nevada, 2010 election, Showdown in Searchlight, video
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