by Bill Smith, ARRA Editorial: Davis Guggenheim won an Oscar for "An Inconvenient Truth." In accepting the Oscar, he said "...
Democracy or Liberty
by Dr. Walter E. Williams: Does democracy really deserve the praise it receives? According to Webster's Dictionary, democracy is define...
Most Sweeping Gun Ban Ever Introduced in Congress
NRA-ILA Alert: Representative Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) introduced H.R. 1022, a bill with the stated purpose, “to reauthorize the assault w...
AFRW 2007 Legislative Day - March 13, 2007
AFRW: The Arkansas Federation of Republican Women's Legislative Day will be in Little Rock on March 13, 2007. Men and Women are invited...
Preschool Benefits Grossly Exaggerated
In case you missed it with all the activities last year, The Reason Foundation released a report challenging a Rand Corporation study that c...
Feb. 5: National Presidential Primary Day?
By Carl Cameron, Fox News: Candidates from both the Republican and Democratic parties could wrap up the presidential nomination on Feb. 5, ...
Federal Judge Rules No Room for Parents in the Classroom
According to a federal judge, public schools--not parents--have the right to control the curriculum to which children are exposed. Joseph an...
To The American People -- These Colors Don’t Run!
by Deborah Johns, a very proud Marine Mom of SGT William Johns, USMC (serving his 3rd Tour of Duty in Iraq) : I am sick and tired. Sick and ...
Red carpet for illegals
by Dr. Chuck Baldwin: Since George W. Bush became President of the United States in 2001, the number of illegal aliens residing in this co...
Arkansas Freedom to Farm Act HB1761
by Jane Williams, AR Animal Producer's Assoc : The ARAPA is a group of ranchers, farmers and concerned individuals working against the N...
New York Times Sees Christian Right Being Led by Secret Club
by Bill Smith ARRA Editorial : A New Your Times article titled " Christian Right Labors to Find ’08 Candidate " by David D. Kirkpa...
ARRA Issues Pamphlet: Eight Reason to Oppose a State Lottery
Dr. Pat Briney, President of the Arkansas Republican Assembly has issued a pamphlet detailing " Eight reasons to oppose a state lotter...
Bad News From Pakistan (humor)
We really ARE in trouble now! This morning, from a cave somewhere in Pakistan, Taliban Minister of Migration, Mohammed Omar, warned the Unit...
North American Union "Conspiracy" Exposed
By Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media Special Report : Accuracy in Media attended an all-day February 16 conference devoted to the developmen...
Little Rock School District released from court supervision
Little Rock, Arkansas : Yesterday, February 23, 2007, U.S. District Judge Bill Wilson Jr. ruled that the Little Rock School District has ach...
Judge orders 'gay' agenda taught to Christian children
Rules kids need teachings to be'engaged and productive citizens' By Bob Unruh, WorldNetDaily: A federal judge in Massachusetts has ...
Kennedy - McCain Senate amnesty bill nearly complete
More lenient toward illegals than last year's bill Washington TimesSenators and lobbyists are putting the final touches on a comprehensi...
Priceless Politics
By Thomas Sowell : Among the many rationales used to defend the welfare state, the most powerful is that it is necessary, in order to take c...
Abraham Lincoln & Ronald Reagan Top Presidents in 2007 Survey
In a national survey by US News and World Report the to top presidents according to Americans were Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. George...
No Mandatory HPV Vaccine For Girls!
By TVC Exec Director Andrea Lafferty: Merck, the giant drug company, has come under fire in recent weeks over its lobbying efforts to have ...
As the ice caps of the North Pole begin to melt, some scientists have postulated the possibility of transporting the polar bears – which liv...
Newt Gingrich & Mario Cuomo to Discuss Issues - Feb 28th
The Cooper Union Dialogue Series: A Lincoln-Inspired Event With Newt Gingrich, Mario M. Cuomo, Tim Russert, and Harold Holzer Newt Gingrich,...
A Bad Idea - $500 Fines for Professors
by Dr. Bill Smith, ARRA Editor: Education blogs and websites are hot with discussions over a proposal in Arizona banning professors from...
Democrats Slow Bleed Plan Will Hamstring Military Commanders
Mike Duncan, RNC Chair: The Democrat 'slow bleed' strategy for Iraq that was proposed by John Murtha would do exactly what it sound...
Two New Outrages of Justice Department Abusing Border Patrol Agents
"It appears we are giving more credence to directions from Mexican government officials than we are to the dictates of our own Constitu...
George Washington - an American who could have been King
Judge Roy Moore: Today we celebrate the birthday of our first President, George Washington, a man so esteemed by his countrymen that he was...
The Pelosi, Murtha, Reed (MPR) Fighting Vehicle
The Congressional Leadership initiated their new military strategy for ending the war in Iraq today with the roll-out their first new weapon...
The Axis of Evil
by Norm Allen ( Out of the Norm Show 2/20/07 ): In high school American History, WWII was not too far in historic distance from where we we...
“Pardon The Agents” TV Ads - Advance Preview!
Steve Elliott, : Grassfire's television campaign calling on the President to free imprisoned border agents Ignacio Ramos a...
Hate Crime Bill SB264 again on Agenda
Arkansas Senate Committee on Judiciary is meeting in regular session today at 10am and a proposed Hate Crimes bill SB264 filed by Senator Ha...
'Miracle Baby' sets premature record
BBC News : A baby girl said to have spent the shortest time in her mother's womb is to be released from the hospital in Miami where she ...
Ramos attorney calls for mistrial
Claims key document withheld from border agents' defense WorldNetDaily : The prosecutor in the high-profile case that sent border agents...
Gilmore says conservatism will help him win GOP nod
By Tyler Whitney - TIMES-DISPATCH staff writer : Former RNC Chairman and former VA Gov. Jim Gilmore said yesterday that he can win the Repu...
President's Day - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Today we honor Presidents Day. Follows is an informative piece by David Mark : In "honor" of Presidents Day, actors portraying A...
The moral retardation of Leftists
by Doug Hagin : We Conservatives often accuse the left of having no moral compass. I am not sure that is quite correct. Everyone has a moral...
Elitist special-interest groups press Congress to curb 'grassroots lobbying'
National Right to Life: (Editor's note: The following article appeared Feb. 1 at the NRL website has increasing relevance as the House ...
House Nonbinding Resolution - Backstabbed US Troops in Iraq
Submitted by an Arkansan who served in Iraq and desired to express his feelings for last weeks House's nonbinding resolution to oppose t...
An Arkansas Lottery: A Bad Bet for Education & Families?
Arkansas Faith & Ethics Council : Click to read: "A Bad Bet for Education & Families?" These research findings were comp...
Arkansas 1st District GOP Convention Held - New Officers Elected
by Bill Smith: Newport, AR -- On Saturday, Feb, 17, 2006, the First Congressional District of the Arkansas Republican Party met at ASU Newp...