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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Info Post
By Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media Special Report: Accuracy in Media attended an all-day February 16 conference devoted to the development of a North American legal system in order to produce this report and shed light on a process that is being conducted largely beyond the scrutiny of the public or the Congress.

Robert Pastor, a top Democratic Party foreign policy specialist and a former official of the Carter Administration and director of the Center for North American Studies at American University, said that a "very small group" of conservatives is unfairly accusing him of being at the center of a "vast conspiracy" to implement the idea of a "North American Union" by "stealth." He called this "absurd." But, his remarks were made at an all-day Feb. 16 conference devoted to the development of a North American legal system. The conference itself was evidence that a comprehensive process is underway to merge the economies, and perhaps the social and political systems, of the three countries.

Overruling the U.S. Supreme Court: Academic literature distributed in advance to conference participants about a common legal framework for the U.S., Canada and Mexico included proposals for a North American Court of Justice (with the authority to overrule a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court), a North American Trade Tribunal, a North American Court of Justice, and a Charter of Fundamental Human Rights for North America, also dubbed the North American Social Charter. Under the latter concept, according to Laura Spitz of the Univ. of Colorado Law School, North Americans might be able to enjoy "new rights" essential to "human flourishing" such as gay marriage. She argues in one paper that U.S. economic integration with Canada will make it nearly impossible for the U.S. not to recognize same-sex marriage so long as it is lawful in Canada. ... conference literature disclosed that the CNAS is sponsoring an event in May in which students participate in a model "North American Parliament." The concept suggests creation of a regional body to supersede the U.S. Government.

Attacking Conservatives: Stephen Zamora of the Univ. of Houston Law School, denounced the idea of a wall separating Mexico and the U.S., in order to control illegal immigration, asking, "What does citizenship mean anymore?" ... Another speaker, Tom Farer, Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies at the Univ. of Denver, said that his representative in Congress, Tom Tancredo (R-Col.), a staunch advocate of U.S. border security, was a backward thinker.

No Border Control: Pastor acknowledged that the U.S. Government doesn't want to enforce its immigration laws. He said that the solution is not a fence, ..., and it's not to punish companies for hiring illegal aliens, since identity documents can be too easily forged. His solution is a national biometric and fraud-proof identification card that identifies national origin and legal status and a $200-billion North American Investment Fund, is for the purpose of narrowing the income disparity between Mexico and the U.S. and Canada. Read Full Report

Tags: Accuracy in Media, AIM, border control, Cliff Kincaid, North American Court of Justice, North American Union, Robert Pastor To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!


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