Breaking News
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Info Post
WorldNetDaily: A Department of Homeland Security official admitted yesterday the agency misled Congress when it contended it possessed investigative reports proving Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean confessed guilt and declared they "wanted to shoot some Mexicans" prior to the incident that led to their imprisonment.The admission came during the testimony of DHS Inspector General Richard L. Skinner before the Homeland Security Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, according to Michael Green, press secretary for Rep. John Culberson, R-Texas . . . [Click for more]

Christian Newswire: Former Border Agent, Ignacio "Nacho" Ramos was brutally attacked by as many as five illegal immigrant inmates on Saturday evening (2/3) following the airing of an America's Most Wanted segment featuring both Ramos and Compean. The attack began around 10 pm, after Ramos fell asleep. "Nacho was assaulted Saturday night by about five illegal immigrants who were yelling at him in Spanish, Maten a la migra--which means kill the Border Patrol Agent." He has multiple and severe injuries. They put him in isolation for now and he may not have received medical attention for up to 48 hours. [Read More]

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