Christian Newswire -- In anticipation of the Feb. 10 announcement in Springfield, Ill. that Sen. Barack Obama will run to become president of the United States, Christians for Social Justice has launched ObamaNation.Com, a website exposing the hypocrisy of Obama on the greatest moral issues of our time – abortion and homosexual unions.
Pastor Clenard H. Childress, Jr., an African American Pastor and Director for Christians for Social Justice, the largest Black Pro Life group in America, says "abortion is black genocide. Each day, 1452 African Americans are murdered by abortion. 4,000 children over all. There has been over 15 million African American children dismembered in the womb by the abortion holocaust and as many women victimized. Sen. Obama supports of the wholesale slaughter of our own community by abortion."
Obama voted to not outlaw Partial Birth Abortion (1997 Illinois ban, 2003 Federal ban)
Obama voted against protecting born alive infants from abortionists (2002, Induced Infant Liability Act, and the Born Alive Infant Protection Act )
Obama voted in support of homosexual unions (06/07/2006, Same Sex Marriage Resolution) [Read More]
Tags: abortion, Barack Obama, black americans, Clenard Childress, homosexual activism, presidential candidate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
ObamaNation.Com to Expose Sen. Obama
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