Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-CO, met with Ignacio Ramos, who was convicted in March for the nonfatal shooting of a Mexican drug smuggler. Ramos was beaten in his sleep Saturday night by roughly a half-dozen inmates who recognized him from a TV show that aired shortly before 10 p.m. He was pulled from his cell, which remains unlocked until midnight, by the inmates and kicked repeatedly by the men who were wearing steel-toed boots. The boots are issued to inmates for their daily work, according to the prison's Web site. Ramos did not see a doctor until Wednesday.
Ramos was has injuries that are more serious than previously reported. Tancredo was astonished at the injuries on Ramos' body, which he said did not coincide with reports from the prison earlier this week that described his injuries as "minor." "His bruises were deep and severe," Tancredo said. "His arm, chest and back are black and blue with broken blood vessels on his arm. It was terrible." [Read More]
Tancredo is also demanding pardons for Ramos and Compean.
Tags: border guards, Ignacio Ramos, Jose Compean, presidential candidate, Republican, Tom Tancredo To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the ARRA News Service. Thanks!
Convicted border agent's injuries are worse than reported
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