Breaking News
Sunday, February 4, 2007

Info Post
by Congressman John Boozman Press Office: The Continuing Resolution, CR, is supposedly designed to keep the government running since a budget was never passed (which is a different post entirely). That is what normal CR’s do: keep the government running. Today (1/28), normalcy is on vacation and, in its stead, we get to see what it is like to spend nearly half a trillion dollars in an hour. That total also includes at least 28 earmarks (those things we were all supposed to be against) worth at least $70 Million and a cut of $1.4 Billion in the Basic Housing Allowance for our men and women serving in the military.

On top of that, we’re spending less time to talk about how to spend half-a-trillion dollars than Americans families spend talking about the grocery budget.
Here are a few of the earmarks which were missed:
Tropical Rain Forest in Iowa, $44.6M
High Energy Petawatt Laser Development, University of Nevada-Reno, $2M
UNLV Research Foundation, $2.5M
Consortium on Terrorism and Fire Science, University of Nevada-Reno, $3M
Operations and Security, Atomic Testing History Institute, $500K
Radio Analytical Services Laboratory, UNLV Research Foundation, $2M
National Center for Biodefense at George Mason University, $1M
Science and Technical Programs, Wilberforce University, $2M
Science and Technical Programs, Central State University (OH), $2M
Science and Technical Programs, Vorhees College (SC), $1M
Science and Technical Programs, Florida Memorial University, $1M

The Democrat Spending Bill by the Numbers:
Size of spending in the bill: $463.5 billion
Floor Time on Democrat Spending Bill: 1 hour of general debate
Cost per minute of debate: $7.725 billion
Cost per second of debate: $128,750 million

Tags: Continuing Resolution, CR, earmarks, Congressman, John Boozman, Wahington, D.C.


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